My Mod: Titles.txt Not Working! Created 17 years ago2008-01-02 23:45:59 UTC by StoneFrog StoneFrog

Created 17 years ago2008-01-02 23:45:59 UTC by StoneFrog StoneFrog

Posted 17 years ago2008-01-02 23:45:59 UTC Post #242361
For a few months, I've been working on a Half-Life singleplayer mod. In it I use env_message to display messages, naturally, using a modified titles.txt which I keep in the mod's directory.

For some reason, recently I got a new computer and ported over EVERYTHING from the mod. For some reason now, when I play the mod, instead of displaying the message, it says the name - this is what normally happens when the game thinks there is no message with that name - but there is! I doublechecked the names in titles.txt and everything.

I didn't edit that file or the env_messages since I got the new computer, either. What could be going on?
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-08 21:21:47 UTC Post #242974
mmh.. I've been messing too with titles.txt for too much time with
bad results .. so I ended up to use only game_text entity for
my mods.. though there are character number limit (127 for single message I think) it always work..
sorry not to help you but titles.txt never worked for me. :
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