A door Created 16 years ago2008-05-18 06:23:47 UTC by raver raver

Created 16 years ago2008-05-18 06:23:47 UTC by raver raver

Posted 16 years ago2008-05-18 06:23:47 UTC Post #250109
Hi, I want to flip the bottom up. Like this picture:
User posted image
Now I tried al000t different ways to make that. But I just cant find the right properties to flip the bottom up.

Thnx for the help!
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-18 06:39:17 UTC Post #250111
Have played around with the direction options on the second tab of the properties screen?
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-18 07:43:25 UTC Post #250113
That looks like a func_door_rotating to me, so go into its properties and goto the Flags tab.

There are two checkboxes called X Axis and Y Axis. First, have them unchecked to see if the door moves into the correct direction. If its not, check the X Axis flag. If that doesn't work, check both the X and Y Axis flags. If that doesn't work, only check the Y Axis flag. Sooner or later you'll find the correct setting that will make your door move into the correct direction. Its bascially just trial and error.
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