Out of pure bordem one afternoon, I decided to have a go at the well known Internet meme of creating fake album covers.
The instructions are simple
1 - Go to Wikipedia's random article page
The first article you get is the name of your band
2 - Go to the Random Quotations page
The last four words of the last quote is the album title
3 - Go to Flickr's Interesting photo page
Third picture, no matter what it is, is your album cover
Put it all together to make your album. Either crop it to CD cover size, or just use the raw image itself... the only rule is you're only allowed to add the album title and artist title.
Here are 3 of mine. Pretty Crappy. Bad choice with the font and colour. My personnal favourite but its all down to the picture. The artist name kinda sucks. Like this one too because the 3 pieces kinda slot together.
Go on, have a go.