Dam Virus!! Created 15 years ago2008-10-25 21:40:50 UTC by shortbus rider shortbus rider

Created 15 years ago2008-10-25 21:40:50 UTC by shortbus rider shortbus rider

Posted 15 years ago2008-10-27 07:12:21 UTC Post #257740
spike is the kind of guy who uses IE and thinks it's the best.

Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-27 07:16:01 UTC Post #257742
Strider, you definately don't have any sense of humor.
Not at all, I just don't like hypocrites.

If virus protection is slowing your computer down, it is probably because either A) it's memory-hungry crap, or B) your computer is something awful. Like I said, it's just an extra layer of protection. No, it may not defend against the newer, nastier viruses, but typically that's what definition updates and a bit of common sense are for, no? They're small methods of defence against all the typical viruses that can accidentally be picked up from anywhere.

Fair enough that some people might not ever get the viruses, but anything can happen. What just happened to your whole "I have never been attacked by one of them." motto, eh?

So yeah, my point is simply that if you find a good program, it will do no harm to have it there just in case.
So no, I'm not arrogant for having antivirus.
I never said that, read it again.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-27 07:26:53 UTC Post #257743
not* having antivirus.

And which hypocrites? There's nothing I've said to make you think that.

If you've never messed up with virus you could never know how easy is to make them undetectable. If you recive a detected virus it probably has been send by a kid. That's why antivirus are useless.

Again my computer is a very good computer, it can handle all the shit you want to put in it. But I just don't want a program checking my HDD all the time, and deleting stuff without my permision.
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-27 07:49:20 UTC Post #257744
And which hypocrites? There's nothing I've said to make you think that.
Pretty much every 'discussion' we've had in the last couple of months has made me think that, but I won't go into it here.
But I just don't want a program checking my HDD all the time, and deleting stuff without my permision.
Any half-decent one would give you full control over all that, but ok, moving on.

I'm not going to change your opinion, I get that, it's not even my place to try. But, sometimes it's nice when people actually think about what they're reading rather than taking the high and mighty route.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-27 07:50:16 UTC Post #257745
hypocrite is saying a thing and then doing another. When I say a thing I do it.

Don't start flamming, and I'm not talking specially to you, just read above posts.
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-27 07:50:42 UTC Post #257746
may I ask, what kind of p0rn was it, cause if it was midget p0rn, then yep, your totally fucked.. those gnomes will come after you my man.. you got to be fuckin' careful when watching gnome p0rn! Fuck.. I feel sorry for you man.. Phase 2: They attack you in your sleep.. FUCK.. Your doomed man! :(
Unbreakable UnbreakableWindows 7.9 Rating!
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-27 07:53:36 UTC Post #257747
may I ask, what kind of p0rn was it, cause if it was midget p0rn, then yep, your totally fucked.. those gnomes will come after you my man.. you got to be fuckin' careful when watching gnome p0rn! Fuck.. I feel sorry for you man.. Phase 2: They attack you in your sleep.. FUCK.. Your doomed man!
It was Oompa Loompa pr0n. I'm fucked :(
User posted image
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-27 08:15:48 UTC Post #257748
I can make a trojan undetectable to antivirus in just 30 seconds.
Members who spam the forum or perform otherwise inappropriate activities will have their account suspended.
blabbering about how you "make viruses" is inappropriate. cease and desist. if you want to be someone who ruins the computers of others, then don't do it on this site.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-27 08:34:15 UTC Post #257749
How many times do i have to tell you I do it on my own computer to my own knowledge?

It's easy to read wikipedia and say OMG a virus how scary is it. But you will never know how to fight them if you don't know anything about them. That's why I infect my own computer. And I'm advising you on how easy is to do it. If you don't want to take my advice then continue trying to ban me for stupid reasons. Because I have never said something inappropiate to do, I haven't attacked anyone, I haven't said how to do it, I've just said I infected my own computer to see the effects of a trojan.

I hate crackers (which is the real term to people who attack others computers, not hacker).

And again, if you want to ban me (which is what I think), then ban me now for this, because you're obsessed on looking for things to ban me.
I can make a trojan undetectable to antivirus in just 30 seconds.
Oh yeah and good try taking it out of context
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-27 08:42:42 UTC Post #257750
I've banned you. enjoy :)

Please never come back.

Everyone else return to the topic at hand, please.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-27 08:50:33 UTC Post #257752
i haven't had a virus for years. running avg and any reasonable firewall will keep you safe for the most part. as long as you know what you're doing, anyway. a good browser doesn't do any harm either.

also, moar drama plz.
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-27 09:34:53 UTC Post #257753
Hey, anybody here remember back in 2005 (I think), as an effort to control music piracy, Sony started to install this secret, trojan like root kit on some of their music CD's called "DRM"? That really created a storm of fury on people, not to mention lawsuits. Sony was forced to do a big recall of the affected (or infected) CD's and do a public apology. For reference, go here: http://blogs.zdnet.com/BTL/?p=2092

Well, this relative of mines that started to work recently part-time at this "Sony Store" near where I live, told me that his manager suggested to him that Sony might release a newer, more powerful version of the DRM again, but this time for their future Blu-ray movie titles.

You would think Sony learned their lesson on how bad an idea is to put spyware on their music CD's, but now they "might" do it again in the near future, but this time with movies? I smell a boycott......
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-27 09:48:14 UTC Post #257754
DRM is installed on your computer whenever you install a new release game on it. (with exceptions, valve, stardock, etc)

iTunes is packed full of DRM. The problem isn't the DRM itself (although it seems to generate less sales rather than reduce piracy), but with rootkits that are installed along with it in some cases. (this was the case with sony, starforce, and the recent discussions about spore, for examples)

They aren't viruses, but they're definitely not welcome.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-27 10:16:50 UTC Post #257755
Damn, that's a lot more details that I knew about. I did not know DRM was that wide spread.
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-27 11:08:55 UTC Post #257758
For more info, read the Wiki article on DRM.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-28 19:17:37 UTC Post #257829
The best way to not get viruses is to get a Mac :)
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-28 19:25:46 UTC Post #257830
Funny that I just saw this less than a minute ago: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrpS9m2VF1c

But seriously, if you're going to switch operating systems, any kind of Mac should be second to a free linux kernal. If nothing else, to save your working hardware. Macs are built for Apple hardware, and seems like a real waste to have to throw away your perfectly good PC hardware just to switch your OS.
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-28 19:33:19 UTC Post #257831
The best way to not get viruses is to get a Mac :)
Yah, Mac will stop them viruses with his duct tape before they even come close to the internet.
Oskar Potatis Oskar Potatis🦔
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-28 19:50:52 UTC Post #257836
The best way to not get viruses is to get a Mac smile - :)
Much like the best way to avoid disease is to kill yourself.
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-29 02:36:54 UTC Post #257849
Much like the best way to avoid disease is to kill yourself.
Oh snap!

Anyway, although I don't have much to say on how to recover, I can tell you how to recover in future.

If you can, download a program that can do ghost imaging and use it on your hard drive. Its similiar to recovery, but it gets every last byte on your system, instead of just things like registry and crap. Much much better and way more easier then windows recovery tools. It also has the benefit of not having to go to another OS or a Mac, or having to reinstall loads of crap afterwards, so long as you update your image.

Lets say you took the image of a nice hard drive with a few stuff, and then the next day you get fucked over by some virus because you dicked off. Upload the image and everything is automatically returned to the state it was when you took the image.

Just make sure that when/if you decide to take an image of your drive in the future it has no viruses or whatnot, because when you upload the image again those nasties will still be in there.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-29 03:44:46 UTC Post #257851
Might be a good idea to point out. Put the image on some external media, preferably read-only like a DVD, so that the image itself does not get destroyed. If worse comes to worse, format your computer and then use the image.
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-29 05:39:55 UTC Post #257853
The best way to not get viruses is to get a Mac
Much like the best way to avoid disease is to kill yourself.
These analogies are great, I'm gonna copy them down for my figurative literature unit in English class next semester.
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-29 07:22:27 UTC Post #257856
Well, I was only able to recover a little bit, but they were old rmf's though :( I thought I recovered a couple .map files that were very recent. They load into hammer(no errors like all of the others), but they don't show up. Either I'm an idiot(very possible), or I can't find a way to convert back to rmf. Is there a magical button that does this, or would it show up automatically? I can honestly say I have never loaded a .map file in hammer. I've only used .map files for batch compilers(Compilator was one of the programs that survived and is awesome). I would ask that Spike guy, since he said it could be done easily with hammer, but he got himself banned...lol.
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-29 07:38:00 UTC Post #257857
file > save as > pick rmf from the drop down menu
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-16 18:18:51 UTC Post #258627
I changed from avg to avast only because I heard it's better . zoyks ! Avast found trojans and viruses avg never thought about them.
beleive me when i say this, Avast is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too sensitive, gives off too many false alarms.

EDIT: oh, he got banned -.-
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-16 18:38:33 UTC Post #258628
Not only that, this thread is old.
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