ERROR: couldn't open Created 15 years ago2008-10-26 21:30:16 UTC by SPECIAL K SPECIAL K

Created 15 years ago2008-10-26 21:30:16 UTC by SPECIAL K SPECIAL K

Posted 15 years ago2008-10-26 21:30:16 UTC Post #257713

ERROR: couldn't open
Only the server may changelevel
Loading decals from m5
Loading decals from m7

^this is the error i get in console when switching from my 6th map into my 7th map on the mod im working on; i can type in console 'map m7' and get into my 7th map but it only works 1 way into m6. I have compiled this as much as i have compiled my entire mod thus far trying to fix it.

m6 map

new map name: m7
landmark name: landmark6

name: landmark6

m7 map

new map name: m6

name: landmark6

iv done changelevel triggers 5 other times in the mod, nothing is different besides the fields.

i cant figure any of this out, i am not sure if its how im saving the files; but sometimes things will reset, a env_beam will have a life of 0 and next compile it will be 1, a texture i replace will stay for one compile; then go back to its previous texture the next compile, an item_battery will disappear reappear in between compiles..

Posted 15 years ago2008-10-27 05:08:03 UTC Post #257735
Uh it doesnt look like its the trigger_changelevel's fault, because if it was, your game would crash instead of just giving you a console error.

Are you mapping for half-life?

"ERROR: couldn't open
Only the server may changelevel"
has to do something with it... something is obviously wrong with the server. in sp the player is suposed to be the server, so theres probably a problem with the game, a coding fault probably. but im not sure.
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-27 08:43:12 UTC Post #257751
If your mod is a multiplayer mod, keep in mind that changelevels via entities don't work.

If your mod is sinlgeplayer, make sure you don't run your map in deathmatch mod (type deathmatch in the console to find out deathmatch mode is on or off. type deathmatch 0 to turn it off.
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-27 18:32:18 UTC Post #257787
yes, im mapping for halflife- its a single player mod; and the deathmatch 0 didnt work :(
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-27 19:52:10 UTC Post #257790
deatmatch 0
Oskar Potatis Oskar Potatis🦔
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-27 22:43:57 UTC Post #257791
ah, thanks so much for the input guys. adding the restart worked out for me, was about to give up on the mod too.

is there a way to permanently set it apart from deathmatch? because i keep having to type it in, in which i lose wepons/suit and could pose a problem for others when i put the mod on the website.
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