I am trying to get my env_beam to move with two func_trains on each side.
so my idea was having one func_train have the start entity name and the other func_train have the end entity name, so the laser could move in a straight line |----------------| like that from one wall, to the other with help of the path_corners ofcourse for the train.
And to trigger the whole thing, I used a func_button which I Targeted it to a Multi_manager and gave it the Targetname: laser_mm. Then I added two keyvalues to it aswell, laser1 = .01 being the two func_trains, and laserbeam1 = .01 being the env_beam itself and I had toggle checked on the env_beam.
When I press button, Nothing happends, I dont see the beam go across the room as I want it to... What am I doing wrong? Is it even possible to do it the way I want it? Please help
I hope someone can figure this out!