I was just using face poser and was following a lipsynch tutorial on youtube. I followed it until the actual phoneme editor. I have myself saying "Looks like we got to you just in time" and I exported it as a wav during audacity. I then opened it using phoneme editor and hit the re-extract tab and typed it in. then after clicking ok and a red error message appeared saying "Last Extraction: error during last extraction". and I've been trying for ages to get it to work but it won't. could someone tell me what's wrong.

Ok this is for people who have vista and can't seem to get the re-extraction method to work. You Cannot Use Vista For That Method. but what you can do is do it manually. first of all type in what the character is saying in the re-extract dialogue and then press ok. then it will appear with "Last Extraction: error during last extraction" in red. then go to the top of the phoneme editor and use ctrl+mouse1 to make your words align the words of what the character is saying. then once that's done play it a few times and then if it's completely aligned then you can go to your first word, right click and then select add phoneme for "word". you have to move it.

Note: you can't move it about untile there is a phneme after it. so what I suggest is after the word add a <sih> in tthe phoneme menu and then delete once you've aligned the phonemes to the word being said.

and once thats done you press the spacebar to play and then double check by slowing it down and looking at the mouth or your actor. once you've got the words aligned then you just save it as a wave. now go to your script file in your mod and then go to your "npc_sounds_citizen" and once thats open put this in the sound part of the file

"channel"		"CHAN_VOICE"
"volume"		"VOL_NORM"
"pitch"			"PITCH_NORM"
"soundlevel"	"SNDLVL_NORM"
"wave"			"vox/harry/really.wav"

The "wave" is the directory of the sound file.

You can change the "npc_citizen.testertalk" it's just there so that faceposer can read it.

now go back to faceposer. in the top menu go to choreography and then click new. then you have a timeline. it will ask you to name your actor. I called mine harry. then go to the timeline, right click on the name harry on the timeline then choose the Wav option. and then it'll come with a new window. go to filter and type in the name in the .txt so mine would be "npc_citizen.testertalk" then it'll show up. click ok and then in the timeline it should be a little pink line. you can move it about to different places on the timeline. then at the top of the timeline click somewere forward and then he should say those words. finally save as anything you want. then in hammer the entity to use in logic_choreography_scene

The Target is the name of the npc you want to talk.

The name is the name.

scene is the name of the choreogrphy scene. so browse and find your file. after compiling your character will say other stuff too but when you get a certain distance (asuming your using the trigger_once entity) he should say it.