Barney scripting hl1 Created 15 years ago2010-02-23 21:32:03 UTC by 23-down 23-down

Created 15 years ago2010-02-23 21:32:03 UTC by 23-down 23-down

Posted 15 years ago2010-02-23 21:32:03 UTC Post #279213
Hey people I hope that someone of you advanced mappers. Mapping for many years can help me.

I'm currently working on a mod:

Most maps are finished by the layout and now I'm getting to the hard stuff (at least it's the hart part for me.)

I allready have created several scripts all running fine for example: some sitting scientists working on their computers or a soldier standing up from his chair and giving you new orders etc.

But I don't get a working script with a Barney NPC. I don't even get him to sit in his chair. I've allready checked the tutorials here and many example maps but they don't cover the Barney (my personal wish for a future example map.)

Now to my question are there any things different to handle on barney?
When I tried to make him sit with: sit1 he is getting teleported to the chair but is standing and I see the yellow glow-worms.

Can maybe someone provide me with a special tutorial specially for the barney or construct me a little example map. I would be really grateful and would include you also in the credits of the so far advanced under production mod.

I hope that someone can help me with this minor issue.

Greetings 23-down
Posted 15 years ago2010-02-23 22:09:03 UTC Post #279214
The idle animation should be set to sit1, instead of the action.
Make sure he's not in the seat when he spawns, that should get rid of the flies.
You'll also need a chair with the seat being able to rotate (func_rotating) and it has to be named introchair.
That's all I can remember off the top of my head, but there is a thread with this somewhere- or maybe it's in the VERC Archive on the sidebar.
EDIT: Here it is!
Posted 15 years ago2010-02-23 22:31:55 UTC Post #279215
Ah see I didn't knew that with the chair maybe that's the reason why I never got it working.

Thx I will check this thread out. :)
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