lol kittens (help) Created 14 years ago2010-08-09 23:18:28 UTC by quailcreek quailcreek

Created 14 years ago2010-08-09 23:18:28 UTC by quailcreek quailcreek

Posted 14 years ago2010-08-09 23:25:39 UTC Post #284049
I apologize for the aggressive tone, but I've just about had it up to here with Source. Compiling maps that had previously compiled fine are now suddenly giving me two errors in the HL2 console:
FS: Tried to size NULL filename
material "effects/huntertracer" not found.
... and all lighting has ceased to exist in-game.

All maps I compile are giving me these errors. Testing with the simplest possible map - a room with a light and an info_player_start - gives me these errors. I am not using a "huntertracer" material.

How the fuck am I supposed to develop like this? Literally nothing I've used for Source has consistently functioned as it's supposed to. I've run into constant problems that have put my work at a halt, all which were the result of some glitch or sudden change in behavior and none of them my fault. How bad is it when, out of the blue, no maps will compile properly? Am I the only person who this shit happens to? I was hoping to have a competition entry made in time. Slim chance when it's taking days just to get a tool functioning properly, only to find that another tool doesn't function after the fact.

Again, I'm sorry for being sour. It's amazing that you guys manage to produce things with this technology, and that I respect.

Edit: Fyi, the only conscious change I've made since my maps were compiling properly was installing Propper and setting it up in Hammer.
Posted 14 years ago2010-08-10 01:04:32 UTC Post #284053
I changed the thread name to be a bit less aggressive. =') (Don't use an f-bomb, a god f-bomb and all caps in a thread name. I understand your frustration, but damn :O)
TheGrimReafer TheGrimReaferADMININATOR
Posted 14 years ago2010-08-10 06:44:15 UTC Post #284058
yeah I won't do it again.
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