Shoutbox reminded me of pokemon story Created 14 years ago2010-09-17 13:11:19 UTC by 2muchvideogames 2muchvideogames

Created 14 years ago2010-09-17 13:11:19 UTC by 2muchvideogames 2muchvideogames

Posted 14 years ago2010-09-17 13:11:19 UTC Post #285434
It just so happens that both my cousin and I have a gameboy. He has an advance and I bought a crappy gameboy colour off amazon. It kinda strains the eyeballs because there's no lighting on the gameboy colour (outdated technology fails)

Ok, everyone. I just want to play a little game. It all started when said cousin asked me how to get mewtwo on his gameboy yellow. So I showed him the way to cerulean cave, the place with the badass music and nonsensical pokemon residents. (e.g. wigglytuff and dodrio live in this cave). Meanwhile I'm just here chilling with my pokemon in pokemon blue. I hacked a mew into my game along with a dewgong that I got from trading with NPC's. (It levels up faster that way) And then one day I found this blue link cable in one of my drawers. ITS TIME TO DDDDDDDUEL.

My poke: Mew L60, Dewgong L62, Blastoise L53, other crap
Cousin's poke: Mewtwo L93, Mewtwo L71, Moltres L50, Articuno L50, Zapdos L50

Make your bets nao.
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-17 13:16:32 UTC Post #285435, wrong forum go to
Unbreakable UnbreakableWindows 7.9 Rating!
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-17 13:30:58 UTC Post #285437
Your cousin, because of his Mewtwo Lv 93. Without it you'd win, his birds are untrained.
Oskar Potatis Oskar Potatis🦔
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-17 13:35:18 UTC Post #285438
I was going to read this but then I found out it was about pokemon... guys are you serious? Is it not about time to grow out of these kind of thing?
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-17 15:12:00 UTC Post #285442
What's wrong with Pokemon?
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-17 15:44:02 UTC Post #285444
I was going to read this but then I found out it was about pokemon... guys are you serious? Is it not about time to grow out of these kind of thing?
You missed the title?

Always wanted a gameboy and a pokemon game when I was younger. But my parents said it was a waste of time and bought me a PC and a copy of Half-life

I did have a stack of cards tho. It was fun
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-17 16:47:05 UTC Post #285446
Is it not about time to grow out of these kind of thing?
Grow out of the single greatest RPG series on any handheld, and one of the greats period?

No thank you.

Oh and about the thread, yes. Your cousin is going to win with that Mewtwo. However, if it is raised by a rare candy hack and your pokemon are all legit raised, then you are going to win. Those birds all suck, they are unraised. Although if your team is rare candied too, then he will win with that Mewtwo.

If he were smart, he'd lead off with the birds and just do as much damage as he could with them before they died(which they most certainly will) and finish you off with the Mewtwo.

Also hard to say because you didn't post your whole team.
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-17 17:17:20 UTC Post #285448
Nothing wrong with pokemon. To me, it's just another game, and a fairly decent one at that.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-17 17:55:58 UTC Post #285449
As much as I don't know anything about Pokemon, I don't see any reason why this can't be here. This thread on a gaming forum in general discussion; seems reasonable to me.

On not knowing anything about Pokemon - I only know the name Ash Ketchum because my names Ash and being on the internet when ever I tell people my name is Ash, they're like "OMDSHGFHAIDSG, U IZ ASH KECTUM LULZ".
Moaby MoabyMk. III
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-17 18:47:16 UTC Post #285460
Pokemon is awesome. This topic, however, is pretty lame.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-17 18:50:08 UTC Post #285461
I almost directed a lost tenth grader to an imaginary room in the school named "Ketchum Hall." Then my conscience figuratively beat me and I told him I was just kidding.
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-17 18:50:53 UTC Post #285462
Let's respond to everyone's questions.
Your cousin, because of his Mewtwo Lv 93.
Remember, levels aren't everything... ha ha ha.
I did have a stack of cards tho. It was fun
I had a large deck too. Wonder when I can pawn them off too
Those birds all suck, they are unraised.
He used TM's on some of the birds. Not too sure on details.
However, if it is raised by a rare candy hack and your pokemon are all legit raised, then you are going to win.
He has yellow, I don't think he can do that
Although if your team is rare candied too, then he will win with that Mewtwo.
I didn't do that because I am a legitimate videogame player. I did not use a gameshark or whatever crap is called.

Cousin is 11 yrs old by the way.
Alright every one. We all know that he is going to win. But how about this: He got cocky and told me to bring any 6-membered team and just go against his two mewtwos. Who will win nao?

EDIT: isn't ketchum hall in one of the other threads?
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-17 19:07:28 UTC Post #285463
Your cousin, because of his Mewtwo Lv 93.
Remember, levels aren't everything... ha ha ha.
True, but Mewtwo is a good Pok?mon and it's been leveled up 23 levels. Unless he's used rare candy it has seen many fights and should have some EV. His birds on the other hand are on the same level he found them at and can't have fought much at all and should have almost no EV.
Oskar Potatis Oskar Potatis🦔
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-17 19:08:06 UTC Post #285465
bring your anti-mewtwo gun and pwn 'em all.
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-17 19:12:30 UTC Post #285467
He used TM's on some of the birds. Not too sure on details.
A weak pokemon with strong moves is still a weak pokemon. A moves damage is based on the pokemon using the move.

First, a level 50 pokemon fresh from the wild will lose EVERY TIME to the SAME pokemon caught at, say, 30 and raised by a trainer to 50.

Also: trainer A and trainer B both get a level 10 rattata. Trainer A raises rattata to level 30 by hand, where as trainer B thinks he is the wiser and feeds rattata twenty rare candies, bringing him to level 30. Trainer A's lvl30 will defeat Trainer B's lvl30 EVERY TIME in battle!
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-17 19:47:18 UTC Post #285468
EV boosters ftw. Take a lowbie pokemon and just rape it with protein and zinc and what not else. Costs a fortune but what a surprise when you're battling. :P
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-17 20:49:12 UTC Post #285469
Ah, Pokemon. I stopped playing after Gold and Silver, but I remember Red very well. Particularly after finding the Missingno glitch and haxing my Charizard to level 100. Unstoppable! Except anytime I versed my neighbour's level 100 Blastoise...that bastard.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-17 21:38:49 UTC Post #285470
My first Pokemon game was Blue... Good times, until I got to the elite four and realized I couldn't beat them with a single level 50 pokemon and the rest being level 20s and below. My Blastoise was awesome, but he just couldn't stand up to them... Being 5/6 and not having common sense sucks.
Then Silver, which gave me many more fond memories.
Leafgreen, which I actually beat...
And Diamond (I think it's diamond, I can never remember which of the two I have from that generation) which I was about to beat, but then my friend took the game, put his team into it, and beat it with them, because he wanted to do the battle tower with me. :(
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-17 22:13:08 UTC Post #285472
yeah well, whatelse could I say, I mean I'm 24 and I still like the games, I don't collect the cards or anything, but I agree it was the greatest rpg game I've ever played. reason I stopped is I grew older, I stopped playing with the cards, and before I knew it, there was new pokemon out. so yeah, the original ones like red/blue were the greatest but once they started making platinum (or silver or whatever they called it ???) and stuff with new pokemon, I simply lost interest, and now FPS games are more fun for me now.

Like no offense but its like pogs to me, pokemon died a long time ago, whenever im 30 if I was to collect pokemon cards, like come on.. I'd seriously have to check myself into a mental institute :P
Unbreakable UnbreakableWindows 7.9 Rating!
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-17 22:26:03 UTC Post #285473
Yeah I got lost after Ruby/Sapphire. Didn't have a DS, didn't have interest, and honestly, still don't. I'd stick with Red/Blue-Gold/Silver if I could. Or revamps of said games (Fire Red, Heart Gold)
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-17 23:08:48 UTC Post #285474
play Fire Red or Leaf Green, the remakes. I didn't want them when they came out but I nabbed a used Fire Red cartridge last year and it's great! It's the first game, with running(essential) old pokemon, old HMs, all TMs, powers, ect. more places added on after the end.

rom that shit.

edit: also everyone keeps bringing up the cards. when someone wants have conversation with you about pokemon, they NEVER mean the cards.

Jeffmod: Blue ftw! yeah the key is to raise them evenly.

And rule #1 of pokemon is FIGHT EVERY SINGLE TRAINER!
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-17 23:23:44 UTC Post #285475
Indeed, I also have Fire Red. If I had a DS I'd get Soul Silver. I tried to ROM it but they all ran incredibly slow.
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-18 02:13:19 UTC Post #285481
I played through Heart Gold a while back, was pretty good (coming from someone who played through Gold all those years ago). I've never understood why people say that the newer games are shit, though. They're the same thing with different story and better graphics, so they're pretty much the same games with some improvements. Looking forward to playing Black/White once they're localised.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-18 06:19:45 UTC Post #285484
Some of the newer pokemon are just stupid/gimmicky though.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-18 07:34:01 UTC Post #285487
Jeffmod: Blue ftw! yeah the key is to raise them evenly.
Well I know that now. doesn't really help. I can't go back and play it, because I'd have to erase my savefile, and the movement is so slow compared even to silver.
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-18 08:31:38 UTC Post #285488
I just realised how sad some of the people on twhl area...
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-18 08:55:48 UTC Post #285489
You're on a modding site for a 10 year old shooter, and you're calling people sad for enjoying Pokemon?
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
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