The Official CS:GO Thread Created 13 years ago2012-03-07 21:26:14 UTC by Archie Archie

Created 13 years ago2012-03-07 21:26:14 UTC by Archie Archie

Posted 12 years ago2012-04-08 14:50:35 UTC Post #305080
There's no need for any new game.
But people will make them
And people will play them.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-08 16:08:47 UTC Post #305083
There is definitely a need for new game versions, especially when the past version was crap.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-08 22:44:35 UTC Post #305098
Rufee, unless there's a massive cliffhanger, no game needs a sucessor. Just becuase you liked the old ones, doesn't mean they shouldn't be moving with the times. I mean, what's the point in staying a zealous fan of 1.6? You're just missing out on new experiences.

If that really is your logic, I'm guessing you don't have a single game with the number 2 in the title. Otherwise you're a hypocrite.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-08 23:22:05 UTC Post #305099
Really, we don't even need the original games either. Or TV. Or Books. We can just sit at home and stare at a wall in the dark instead.
But that wouldn't be any fun.
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-09 08:48:37 UTC Post #305108
If that really is your logic, I'm guessing you don't have a single game with the number 2 in the title. Otherwise you're a hypocrite.
Im not saying i only like the originals, TF2 for example was a great game. The thing is there is not a lot of new stuff for cs to have a new title. Im sorry but a molotov and a few more guns doesn't cut it for me. What ive seen so far is that cs evolution was nothing more than a copy of the old game with degrading quality of gameplay (movement in this case).
Really, we don't even need the original games either. Or TV. Or Books. We can just sit at home and stare at a wall in the dark instead.
But that wouldn't be any fun.
500 years ago people did that everyday.
rufee rufeeSledge fanboy
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-09 12:19:12 UTC Post #305117
Don't y'all know that graphics are more important than gameplay to people these days? Just ask Dimbark's classmates.
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-09 14:53:46 UTC Post #305120
The thing is there is not a lot of new stuff for cs to have a new title.
If it was too drastically different then all the CS players would bitch and whine about how it's not identical, just like they're doing now with only minor changes.

There's nothing wrong with keeping up with the times. Yes, this new instalment is primarily visual, but as I keep saying - it's been EIGHT YEARS. They're allowed to make a new one. Go shout at Activision who release the same game every year for £45 a pop.
As mappers you should be excited at all the new toys you can play with.

Honestly, some of you are so odd when it comes to stuff like this.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-09 15:06:21 UTC Post #305121

Also, consider that Valve will most likely start releasing fresh content every so often too, like they do with all their new releases. I don't see why so many people are complaining about it.

How many of you were waiting on Black Mesa? A mod that is essentially a graphical update to Half-Life: Source. Just saying...
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-09 16:35:45 UTC Post #305123
How many of you were waiting on Black Mesa? A mod that is essentially a graphical update to Half-Life: Source. Just saying...
Black Mesa also brings many years of gameplay updates (physics puzzles, enhanced AI etc.) that Half-Life 2 and it's episodes have conjured up, but your point remains. ;>
Nuke, Train and Office are all fairly clearly unfinished. They have never been included in the "test weeks" where specific elements are tested on all of Valve's servers for the week. Last week was cs_italy 24/7. Now it's the two ar_maps.
Didn't know about those maps and the test weeks, but I'm not sure when it comes for Office. I can't tell if they're going for that sparse 'boring work environment' look, or if it is just in fact heavily WIP. I feel like Valve have been pretty inconsistent with their worlds lately. L4D2 feels incredibly uninspired and rushed compared to, say, Portal 2, or even L4D1, so I try not to make positive assumptions about them on that side of things these days.

I want more content, more than anything. Keep in mind I'm not one of the people wanting drastic changes, or strictly 1.6 gameplay, but I'd like the 'global' part of Global Offensive to be more apparent. More Eastern and European locales and operations, stuff like that. The Deleted Scenes campaign actually did that pretty well, despite the very average game attached to it.

Gah, I write too much.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-09 16:46:42 UTC Post #305124
Totally agree with your last point. Player models and hostage models seem to be dependant on map location now, so it'd be nice to see a British map to get the SAS back in there.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-09 17:23:59 UTC Post #305126
Yes. I loved the themes in Deleted Scenes and how they dirtied and darkened things while at the same time adding new and brighter colors (the bright blue and gold trims on Dust, for example, or the bright green trims in the single player mid-east levels.

I haven't really seen the map pool for GO, is it really lacking European and Mideastern themes?

You know that if 1/3 the maps were middle-eastern there'd have been a shitstorm about bandwagoning and gritty brown modern graphics.
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-09 18:49:52 UTC Post #305133
A map set in Japan or another east-Asian country would be cool :)
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-09 19:47:32 UTC Post #305135
Yeah, it would be awesome to have an Asian map or three.
Are there any snowy ones on the roster yet?
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-09 19:55:01 UTC Post #305137
Office is snowing lightly.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-09 19:57:29 UTC Post #305139
One where T's bomb an antarctic secreht bahs plz.
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-09 20:01:49 UTC Post #305140
Office is snowing lightly.
Good enough, I suppose.
Also, Blitz, I think they have enough DE maps right now. Need to make the DE to CS ratio more equal. :P
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-09 21:07:03 UTC Post #305149
mmm... terrorists hold a group of penguin researchers hostage?
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-09 21:16:20 UTC Post #305151
You do know there are places other than Antarctica that have snow, right?
Just checking.
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-09 22:06:04 UTC Post #305154
Actually, it'd a pretty cool if you had a map where the terrorists were trying to bomb the side of a snowy mountain popular for skiing, etc. in order to create an avalanche. It'd be a bastard to get gameplay right, but I like the idea.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-09 22:09:50 UTC Post #305155
there was a de_alpine, but as I recall it was a big steaming pile of shit, so there's still a gap in the market for it, Scotch.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
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