FOV locked Created 12 years ago2012-05-16 16:46:54 UTC by Crollo Crollo

Created 12 years ago2012-05-16 16:46:54 UTC by Crollo Crollo

Posted 12 years ago2012-05-16 17:14:45 UTC Post #306173
Is it not possible to change FOV in CSS? I'm trying to do some basic filmmaking and I can't change the FOV at all. None of the commands work.

I'm starting to feel as though Source is being dumbed down to the point of it being useless for the most basic tasks. I used to be able to change the FOV pre-OB update.
EG: This wouldn't have worked without being able to change FOV [Focal length]

For now I'm setting the AR to 4:3 and then cropping to 16:9 which gives me a pretty close representation of 50mm, but I still want to go tighter.
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 12 years ago2012-05-16 17:35:06 UTC Post #306174
Are you sure it's not something as simple as needing cheats to be enabled on the server to allow the commands?
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 12 years ago2012-05-16 17:49:35 UTC Post #306175
Yeah tried it, if I enable cheats and use the fov command it makes my weapon disappear [which is normal] but doesn't change the fov. default_fov doesn't have any effect whatsoever.

Maybe there's some other command valve has sneaked in and rendered the fov and default_fov commands obsolete.
Crollo CrolloTrollo
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