Science and Industry Updated Created 10 years ago2015-03-07 21:04:08 UTC by Merz Merz

Created 10 years ago2015-03-07 21:04:08 UTC by Merz Merz

Posted 10 years ago2015-03-07 21:04:34 UTC Post #324563
I don't know how many of you remember Science and Industry but it was definitely a pretty notable and fun mod back in the day.

By chance yesterday I found out they just released their 1.2 beta, the last update came in 2006 so that's pretty significant.

They apparently gather every Sunday at around 9pm GMT, 4 pm Eastern Time.

Here's a video of gameplay in case you don't know or don't remember what SI was like.

There's going to be another gather tomorrow and I'm going to likely be there. Was wondering if anyone from TWHL would be interested.

Here's their official websiteand their SteamGroup.
Posted 10 years ago2015-03-07 22:37:26 UTC Post #324564
jesus that's faced paced. My first thought was "OMG THE BUNNYHOPS"
Seems interesting?
It's like capture the scientist meets natural selection (research and weapons) If i gather correctly
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2015-03-08 00:32:59 UTC Post #324565
That's actually a good way to put it.

In fact one of the guy's I played with for a brief time today told me he used to be an NS player before the original died.

Its quite a bit more laid back though in terms of learning curve than Natural Selection though. I honestly enjoy that since I'm not always interested in a super tactical/strategic type gameplay that requires me to be on top of my game for an entire 30 minute match.

SI is kind of a good mix of quick, simple deathmatch and strategic thought. I enjoyed it a lot as a teenager back in its original versions.
Posted 10 years ago2015-03-08 08:55:31 UTC Post #324566
Seems to just be some sort of bhopping multiplayer deathmatch mod.
Dr. Orange Dr. OrangeSource good.
Posted 10 years ago2015-03-08 09:03:57 UTC Post #324567
Seems to just be some sort of bhopping multiplayer team deathmatch mod.
Posted 10 years ago2015-03-08 10:53:29 UTC Post #324568
Its honestly a bit more than that especially with the different game modes, and the mechanic of performing strategic actions(stealing scientists, sabotaging the other team's research) to out-compete the other team in terms of weapon, item, and ability escalation.

I mean Natural Selection and Counter Strike basically are along the same lines, mods that are technically team deathmatch but with depth through mechanics like research in the first, and weapon buying in the second.

Sometimes gameplay videos don't really do things justice, it all makes more sense when you're actually there.
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-19 16:26:51 UTC Post #324792
Merz is spreading the word apparently!

I'm one of the team members for SI and I've been lurking here for a few years now, using the resources on this site to get a bunch of map fixes in place and a new map made for the SI mod.

So uh, thanks to this site and forum for being one of the few places to get good goldsrc information!
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-19 17:32:27 UTC Post #324793
Hi guys. Thanks for the interesting thread.

I'm also one of the team members for the ongoing SI development, and I also spend a bit of time managing the weekly pickup games. My background (gaming-wise) is mostly in arena shooters like Quake, but I've dabbled in games like ns and tf2 as well. I played SI when it first came out a million years ago but it seems to have outlasted most of the games from its era..

At its core, SI is capture the flag but with the guns and movement mechanics from Half-Life. However, there are strong RTS elements as well. We don't have structures sprouting up around the map like in ns, but teams make decisions about what to pursue in a tech tree, which map resources to secure and so on. To me, it's a good blend of the mechanical skills of Quake-style games and the teamplay/coordination aspects of things like Counterstrike or TF2.

As Merz mentioned, we play every Sunday. Right now we're beta testing new versions of the game. We have lots of ideas for the future (namely more unique guns/mechanics, better customization support and more exciting maps). I'm very open to changing the game quite a bit, and taking it further away from just being 'ctf with tau cannons.' If you have ideas or want to give the game a try during some pickups, let us know.

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