Heres the scene:
-Player walks up to laptop presses it.
-Words come up
-then some music plays
-then there is a level change
-go to new level which is a small pitch black room
-more words come up
-then another level change
This all works fine except when the words come up, if the player looks around there is a place where the words become fuzzy and bright white, if you move around then it goes but you can always move back on to it. This is very annoying.
This map is for Opposing Force and op4 has a trigger that freezes the player. I used this and it worked fine no more fuzzy white words if you faced a certain direction. the only problem is unfreezing! Ive tried re-targeting it, ive tried killtargeting it, ive tried creating another trigger_playerfreeze to counter it.... but nothing.
Does anyone know how to unfreeze trigger_playerfreeze in op4 or does anyone have a better solution.