vehicule map problem Created 8 years ago2017-01-28 22:27:46 UTC by Mr. Cowboy Zombie Mr. Cowboy Zombie

Created 8 years ago2017-01-28 22:27:46 UTC by Mr. Cowboy Zombie Mr. Cowboy Zombie

Posted 8 years ago2017-01-28 22:27:46 UTC Post #333213
when I make the driveable vehicule and use it, when begin next round the car dont appear in his initial position, appear where you let it.
some1 know how fix that?
Mr. Cowboy Zombie Mr. Cowboy ZombieIch bin ein tier
Posted 8 years ago2017-01-28 23:46:48 UTC Post #333215
Sadly, that's pretty much impossible. In GoldSRC, vehicles and func_trains/tracktrains don't respawn at all, until the entire map/server is restarted :P

That's just how it is, only mods could change that.
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 8 years ago2017-01-29 00:03:20 UTC Post #333216
ok, is a shame, but thanks for your help m8
Mr. Cowboy Zombie Mr. Cowboy ZombieIch bin ein tier
Posted 8 years ago2017-01-29 17:24:18 UTC Post #333225
Not sure, but it may respawn correctly if somehow it falls off the map into the void. Probably someone more knowledged can confirm.
Posted 8 years ago2017-01-29 18:23:58 UTC Post #333228
According to a reversed engineered version of Counter-Strike 1.6's source code, "func_vehicle" is reset every round.
Posted 8 years ago2017-01-29 19:45:46 UTC Post #333231
Launches de_destroydaschool_beta3

Well, this is interesting. While I was writing this post, I decided to hop into my school map (which has a jeep), and the vehicle resets on every round :o
Yes, the position, angles, everything.

Apparently I was wrong about my statements, at least partially.
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 8 years ago2017-01-29 20:51:43 UTC Post #333232
OP never said which game he's making a map for.
Posted 8 years ago2017-01-29 21:29:37 UTC Post #333233
But only CS has func_vehicle.
Posted 8 years ago2017-01-29 22:01:29 UTC Post #333234
SC has a scripted version that won't be reset automatically by round restarts that mappers might have added. Kinda need more information first.
Posted 8 years ago2017-01-30 13:39:18 UTC Post #333246
According to a reversed engineered version of Counter-Strike 1.6's source code

W-w-w-w-whait!!, is that possible?, I mean, taking a dll and extracting what functions are called and lots of stuff like that (I think)...

I thought that reverse engineering a dll will turn all into "machine code" which is almost impossible to read (I´ve read ages ago about this "machine code" when making my first mods of games for BASIC).
Posted 8 years ago2017-01-30 14:14:01 UTC Post #333247
Oh sure it is, just use the Linux libraries to get everything:
User posted image
You can get the complete source code for every engine and game library that way.

It won't include everything and it's optimized code so it isn't identical, but you can get pretty much everything you need.
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