I have a question about func_trains Created 2 years ago2022-05-21 23:30:10 UTC by closed closed

Created 2 years ago2022-05-21 23:30:10 UTC by closed closed

Posted 2 years ago2022-05-21 23:30:10 UTC Post #346536
So the tram in the start of half life has a door near the side of the train and im wondering if i can recreate that sort of thing with a func_rotating instead of a func_door, i also have problems with it screwing up the train origin when i try to connect the 2 entites
Posted 2 years ago2022-05-22 09:54:14 UTC Post #346538
In Half-Life you can't connect two entities. The tram and the door are one func_tracktrain entity. Only at the end, when the tram stops, a level change occurs to a map where the the tram door is a separate func_door entity. You can't attach a func_door entity to another moving entity like func_tracktrain. You can use func_rotating or anything else, but you have to do it the way Valve did it.
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