A small question Created 21 years ago2003-06-11 08:11:59 UTC by JALF-AIFE JALF-AIFE

Created 21 years ago2003-06-11 08:11:59 UTC by JALF-AIFE JALF-AIFE

Posted 21 years ago2003-06-11 08:11:59 UTC Post #698
How do you put a portel some where and then go inside and apper in another place for a second or two then dissapear and go to another place.
ya know in the game, at the start when you apper in the alien planet for a few seconds.

also how do you put one of those mod short cuts on the half life game (custom game wich displays, counterstrike,blue sift,oposing forse,seven coop, DOD,poke646,they hunger, and so on.

Thanks (Half-Life is the best)
PS:you diddn't answer my question about if you agree if half-life is the best game.
(just to let you know half-life is the best)
Posted 21 years ago2003-06-14 04:05:16 UTC Post #699
Good Question.
If you download the r_speeds tutorial and have a look at the .rmf file in Hammer you will see a trigger_teleport brush and a info_teleport_destination entity. The combination of these two create that effect. The portal is just a sprite added to liven things up. That is one way to get the effect, the other way is to use the trigger_camera entity to make it look like you have been somewhere.
I think SlayerA is writing a tutorial on Teleporters, I might do one on simple cameras...one day.

As for the custom game short cut, depends what you are trying to acheive, but if you are trying to create your own custom game you might want to have a look at 69thVlatitude: http://www.vlatitude.com/tutorials.php?tutID=43
because they have a few really good tutorials on Custom Game stuff. The other place to look for step by step instructions is FireBinders site... Lot's of really good stuff there: http://home.att.net/~firebinder/halflife/proj_04.htm

PS: I did answer your question about Half-Life being the best... it's in the !Stuff forum
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