Codes & Scripts Created 21 years ago2003-05-15 10:13:38 UTC by Jage Jage

Created 21 years ago2003-05-15 10:13:38 UTC by Jage Jage

Posted 21 years ago2003-05-15 10:13:38 UTC Post #754
Im looking for site that has scripts and other stuff. I need to make soldiers to dodge bullets with matrix style! (Animations are ready...almost) And throwing grenades back would be cool. Theres lots of things i need and i'm too unlucky to find anything useful...And making something like bullet-time would be so cool! (Something like in Max Payne y'know?)
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-15 12:01:17 UTC Post #755
The most current link I have to a site that details all the available monster scripts (coded animations) is:
The article is by Otis and was written in 1999. So I am not sure if all the sequences are still valid. Probably not. There are sites out there that deal specifically with Coding and that sounds like what you are asking for. I don't touch code, so I can't really point you in the right direction, but is probably your best starting point.
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