I agree with some of you. Scripted AI can be a good thing. The idea that every time we play some level enemies will think/do different things is great, but hard to produce. Number of things they can do is limited. So scripted sequences are just best solution for me. Like someone of saed, we dont have supercomputers for calculations of AI...
I personaly think that it will be nice that sometimes that "combine creeps" turn off the AI. When they look me that their thought is :let's kill him. Rush! No AI. No scripted stuff. Just Rush! Like in Serious Sam.
Soldiers (and assasins expecially) in HL1 often like to kill me from ambush, from behind... That's great, but they never rush on me (exept if they dont have place to run, then then attack me in melee combat).
And another thing. Game put's you in situations, where you know that you have chance to beat your enemies... (exept when you refuse job offer on the end of hl1). Look this: you are in the hangar with 10 hostile soldiers... Hey... No big deal... I have my machinegun and few grenades... Easy...
WHAT!!! EASY!!! 10 vs. one... Just in video games... (oldough, i must confess, that situations are the best)
In HL2 I expect just one (and I repeat: just one) situation when yo now that you are screwed. When you know that you are going to die, and there is nothing that you can do to stop it. Maybe someone else can do something to save you, but you are helpless. Cornered into some room. Soldiers tolking to eachother across the hallway... Gathering... With each second there is more, and more of them.... UUUUHHHH.... I pray god for that...
End then? What? A SCRIPTED SEQUENCE!!!!!!!
Preciousssss scripted sequence, and you are saved...
Maybe, wall is falling down, and trough the fog Barney gets in with a Rocket Louncher...

Bwa ha ha ha ha ...
So, point of my little text is:
1. Dont bother much about AI. And if it remains on level as it was in HL1, it wont such a disaster.
2. I have waaay to much spare time

3. Barney-trough-the-wall(tm) is not such a bad idea... Maybe, i'll make a map with that when hl2 finally comes...