arbitrary teleporting Created 20 years ago2004-06-17 17:21:36 UTC by niellennium niellennium

Created 20 years ago2004-06-17 17:21:36 UTC by niellennium niellennium

Posted 20 years ago2004-06-17 17:21:36 UTC Post #34437
Weird - it might seem to some - but I want to be able to teleport my player without having a specific teleport 'area' ! The basic idea is, that I want the player to experience some dramatic changes of lightning. So the player should be teleported between two completely identical rooms, where only the lights have been changed. The timing of this will be controlled by a multimanager (I think), so the teleport happens suddenly. The prob is like; How do you get the coordinates of the player, so he/she teleports to the exact same place as he was before, but in the 'new' room (without having to enter a trigger_teleport mind ya). The truth is out there........ I guess !? :nuts:
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-17 17:26:08 UTC Post #34439
You could have twice as many lights, but have half turned off. Then when you step on a trigger it shuts off the first half and starts the second half. You only need one room.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-17 18:16:24 UTC Post #34467
spirit does this i think...
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-17 19:17:03 UTC Post #34489
well - okay I know the on/off light deal - never mind, the thing is just a bit more tricky than that - it involves also changes in geometry - sorry for being such a lameass in describing da prob...! I figured it out using the ordinary teleport stuff, but then I just added a momentary white fog - it looks pretty nifty by now - you get a rather dillusional feeling by getting hit by this hard flash of light/fog....! thanx 4 the replies homies ! :nuts:
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 02:10:37 UTC Post #34517
A trigger_teleport can be turned on and off:

Might be very usefull to you, I used this in my competition map. The player only gets teleported after the fade has been completed, while he is already in the trigger_teleport for a while. However, there is a problem with teleporting: the player will teleport to a specific location, and it's view will be set to a specified angle. Spirit of Half-Life features seamless teleport, wich eliminates these two flaws.
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