We aint upside down! Just 'cause we are "down under" doesnt mean we walk on our heads
I hate people talking about Australia without them actually being here, as they probably think we are all redhead farmers with no life. We are actually one of the most civilised people in the world....
Anyway, back to the school subject. Holidays in 3 weeks! Woohoo! That means no more Interschool Footy, which is always good, as our team really smells. We lost by 20 goals today (thats 120 points). And I can stop gettin' injured! I got cleaned up twice today (that means flattened or kind of bashed). I got elbowed in the face in the second quarter (little blood nose) and the got flattened in the third quarter (big blood nose). 'Twas fun though.
All I can say is..... HAHA SCHOOL ENDS IN 3 WEEKS!!!1!!!11!!!