HL crashing :( Created 19 years ago2004-10-10 00:22:15 UTC by SnS CEO SnS CEO

Created 19 years ago2004-10-10 00:22:15 UTC by SnS CEO SnS CEO

Posted 19 years ago2004-10-10 00:22:15 UTC Post #65127
Ok, so i have a map (duh) and everything compiles fine. Hammer automatically boots up hl so I can playtest the thing. I see the loading stuff in the console and then HL crashes. something about exception handling. Now, I was a bit confused because the complining went fine. I tested changing things in the map and discovered the problem was a func_train. If I deleted the func_train, the map would load in hl. If I left it in, it would still compile fine, but the game would crash. I even tried using different textures but still no luck. any ideas? Is it just my copy of hl? should I submit this as a problem map?

btw, Im using the func_train to simulate stars in warpspeed. Like in the end of hl with the gman in the blackmesa transit train thing. If some1 has a better idea how to accomplish this affect w/out using a func_train, thatd be great. Also, a func_tracktrain won't cut it because I need path_corners. path_track's dont have the flag for making things teleport to the next location.

Posted 19 years ago2004-10-10 00:31:43 UTC Post #65128
If said func_train in the map is used for the stars, make a scroll texture instead and try that?
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-10 00:47:59 UTC Post #65134
is there one thats already in hl for that? the scroll texture for that ending sequence that is.

id rather not make my own in wally as im not to good with that program. never taken the time to learn it, i guess...
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-10 04:08:30 UTC Post #65164
Doesn't need any learning, just, like, three menu clicks.

Use a scrolling texture, custom or otherwise. Read the tutorial 'Custom Textures' for info.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-10 04:09:44 UTC Post #65165
You can just use MSPaint to draw some white lines on a black BG and then Waddify it.
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-11 00:22:42 UTC Post #65301
did valve use scrolling textures for the end of hl in the train w/ the gman?
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-11 00:34:02 UTC Post #65305
No, they used a series of func_trains. Scroll texes would work just as well though.
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-11 06:21:59 UTC Post #65360
Especially since you're having problems with the func_trains.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
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