aaatrigger not right, what do I use Created 19 years ago2004-10-12 19:26:03 UTC by Mattous Mattous

Created 19 years ago2004-10-12 19:26:03 UTC by Mattous Mattous

Posted 19 years ago2004-10-12 19:26:03 UTC Post #65740
ok.... heres the problem. I have a river (animated texture) flowing thru a channel (which is made up of 3 block shapes)... the river flows thru the channel quite nicely except, when in game and far away from the channel the flowing water texture merges with the channel texture... so it looks messed up... the water channel is coming thru the channel texture... I tried to fix this by using aaatrigger on the sides of the flowing river texture that could not be seen... this appeared to get rid of the problem because everything looked fine in game even from far away. But after about 5 mins of testing hl crashed and came up with this error "error: lightmap for texture aaatrigger too large (bla bla bla)" so a quick google revealed that using aaatrigger's as textures on in game objects is a really bad idea.

Ok so, what can I use to get rid of this nasty graphical glitch... I need something that will make the 5 sides of the river block unseen while leaving the top of it visiable. Any thoughts?

Thx in advance
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-12 19:28:05 UTC Post #65742
no idea what that meant. try giving us a few screenies (imageshack would be a good place to put em). the NULL texture will make a face completely invisible, if it helps.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-12 19:42:07 UTC Post #65744
Just use the NULL texture from ZHLT.wad on the sides of the river and not AAATrigger, since that will cause that Lightmap for texture AAATrigger error. NULL discards faces it's applied to during the compile process.

Never use AAATrigger on a visible face, unless it's on a trigger brush.
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
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