More good that happened to me: I've just came back from the local med center and I get 1 week off school. Great!
Well, I'm amazed that people here don't know me. May be I should change my user name.
Name: Viktor Kostadinov (no, it's not greek...)
Nick Name: Phuture Tech (abbreviation PTS)
Andy: No, I wasn't thinking you and kol are evil twins

. Altough it was a possiblity... BTW, where did that guy dissappeared? And, yeah, The Project was all doomed from the very beginning. What would you expect with such a leader?
(lol, just kidding

The mod failed, because of four things:
1. My map ideaas where too difficult to acomplish (especially this 'Wolfpack thingie...)
2. I wasn't really trying too hard with my mapping and leading efforts (mapping isn't my only concern)
3. HL2 was close to come and people didn't really wanted to have HL1 mod at that time
4. I had a team of noobie assholes (no offence people, I admit I was an asshole as well...)
And for that tutorial, yeah, it was a good one. May be I should put it in the tut-section of the twhl.