i am very new to mapping Created 20 years ago2005-01-04 22:00:26 UTC by undeadscourge undeadscourge

Created 20 years ago2005-01-04 22:00:26 UTC by undeadscourge undeadscourge

Posted 20 years ago2005-01-04 22:00:26 UTC Post #81778
i need step by step help and i have aol aim can someone help me,if so tell me ur aim sn so u can help me
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-04 22:30:23 UTC Post #81788
aol? Yep, we can tell...

Follow this step by step guide that will take you from the depths of n00biness to a more acceptable status of beginner:

1. We've got lots of tutorials here. To your left under tutorials choose beginner. Start of with "in the beginning"

2. Move on to the other tutorials rated "beginner" (green colored)

3. Make use of the search function to the top right corner of this page. It's very handy. Don't go replying to old forum topics, however.

4. When you finally can't solve an error that might (may very likely) come up and can't find it using the search function; Post in the forums.

If you do post a topic then for the love of whatever's up there in the sky, WRITE IN PROPER ENGLISH!!!

5. Stick to these rules and nothing bad will happen to you. : :D
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-04 22:32:02 UTC Post #81789
6. And try to avoid dubble-posting as well.

It happens, I know. :)
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-05 09:42:06 UTC Post #81827
Did you guys ever think that in years to come, the whole world could be invovled with Half-Life and Hammer?
Unbreakable UnbreakableWindows 7.9 Rating!
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-05 09:46:15 UTC Post #81830
Read this.
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-05 16:13:47 UTC Post #81879
1. Read the page Jahzel linked to
2. Read the tutorials titled "In The Beginning", 1 through 6
3. There are example RMF files with every one of those tuts
4. Then, when you're done with those, you may want to move to the more advanced tutorials, that's why there are categories are.
5. Then, if you wish you could also look at this piece of junk: http://twhl.co.za/mapvault_map.php?id=1672

Take your time in following these steps... Try to understand the steps in the tutorials. If you still have any questions, ask them in this thread, I guess... If you have any trouble setting up Hammer, I think there is a tut on that here aswell. There is also a link to Zoner's Compile tools, required for compiling your maps.
Here's a link to all the beginner tutorials you need: http://twhl.co.za/tutorialbrowse.php?tuttype=1&subtype=1

So I suppose you should start with "Read Me First", then move on to "Setup Guide: Hammer", then "Compiling Introduced", and then all the "In The Beginning"s...
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-05 20:38:52 UTC Post #81941
And don't forget to love what you do! Mapping
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