I'm making my first map, just a tester, and i've put in some water using the water tutorial on the site. However, it looks like this in game:
But it works fine when i'm under the water.
Anyone know what's going on?
Created 20 years ago2005-02-20 18:13:20 UTC by
If you don't need func_water then why did they put it in?Legacy Support. I say no more...
The water is outside the map and it leaking into the void!Not necessarily. RAD has run as one can visibly see shadowing in the image so it's obviously not a leak. It's just a HOM effect caused by not setting up the water properly. Add a water_lod_control and a cubemap with the brush face set to the top of teh water one, make sure it's not an entity, and that it's covered in NODRAW.