Here is the error once again for you who don't know what's the case
Signon traffic "CLIENT": incoming 14.707 Kb, outgoing 1.014 Kb
Scoring will not start until both teams have players
] buildcubemaps
bounce: 1/1 sample: 1/6
bounce: 1/1 sample: 2/6
bounce: 1/1 sample: 3/6
bounce: 1/1 sample: 4/6
bounce: 1/1 sample: 5/6
bounce: 1/1 sample: 6/6
Creating default cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox sky_wasteland02...
"materials/__gui texture 0.vtf": can't be found on disk
Material "debug/debuglightmap":
No render states in shader "LightmappedGeneric_NoBump_DX8"
Material "debug/debuglightmapzbuffer":
No render states in shader "LightmappedGeneric_NoBump_DX8"
"materials/__gui texture 0.vtf": can't be found on disk
"materials/__gui texture 0.vtf": can't be found on disk
Those missing textures, can I make them my self as empty files?
Since last time I whined about this, I've completely removed and reinstalled steam, just to rule out me having fucked up something

And that "No render states in shader "LightmappedGeneric_NoBump_DX8" error, somebody must have had the same experience!
Anyhow if one of you guy's would be so kind as to send me a copy of "__gui texture 0.vtf" to nemathuske@msn.com I will bounce like a happy little baby