Here's the story: I'm making a cannon to use on my galleon ship, and so far all is well. I have an array of six olde-fashioned cannons lined inside the ship's hull, and you can load my brush-based phys prop cannonball into the hole near the base. Then, using your manipulator, you can shoot it out by punting it through a special slot.
....The problem is, making ammo for it is impractical. I have to make each individual cannonball, and that makes an incredible amount of lag in my level since I need several dozen (for those intense ship battles, you know the sort
) So, does anyone know a trick to make these fellas respawn on the press of a button? That would help both lag and loading times, plus I could get as much ammo as I need. If you can help me in any way, it would be most greatly appreciated.
P.S., to the kind poster who helped me with the thruster problem, thanks! It works great!