Map lost...after hours... Created 19 years ago2005-09-26 21:12:31 UTC by mambonuts mambonuts

Created 19 years ago2005-09-26 21:12:31 UTC by mambonuts mambonuts

Posted 19 years ago2005-09-26 21:12:31 UTC Post #137673
I'm relatively new to mapping in HL2...I'm not even sure if this is a HL1 or 2 board, but the editor's the same anyway, so here goes...

I started a map, worked on it for hours...and periodically compiled it, and ran it to do a test run and see how it was for HL2 deathmatch...

I kept saving it now and then over the same name, and my son went to do something after I saved the map, and closed the program...but, when I went to reload the map a couple hours later after he was done...the map went back to what it looked like so many hours before...

What do you think I did wrong...? Is this something that can happen?...or did the map maybe save somewhere else...

Any help would be great...
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-26 21:38:56 UTC Post #137678
You might have been saving it in a different folder. I know I do this a lot by accident, check your folder where you think you saved it and also check your HL2dm and HL2 folders.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-27 01:28:41 UTC Post #137686
This belonged in the Source Design Questions forum. HL2 uses the Source engine.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-30 21:24:35 UTC Post #138505
Take heart my friend. :)

One day, when you are a better mapper, you will realize how utterly pants your first map was, and how you grieved unneccessarily :P

Grieve well for now, and redo the map! :)

P.S. I've found personally when this has happened to me, and I have to rebuild a map, I generally do it 10 times better better than the first go
! :o
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