Some important matters:
please use Rimrook's beautiful logo in one of the corners of the picture, and post it on ModDB as well as TWHL.
? This is set post-HL1, remember? Aliens exist. Vortigaunts are still enemies, though, because of... urm.. hmm.. Time distortion fields.. Yep, that'll do.. Time distortion fields which result in them still recieving Nihialinth's brain altering voodoo.. or something.
But i can't stress this enough - Humans are the main aspect of this mod. Aliens should only be used for variation, and should
NOT play a large part in your maps. No Gargs, no snarks, no hornet gun, no tentacles.
? This is an abandoned nuclear warhead storage facility for christ's sake. Abandoned being the correct word. I dont want to see halways with shiney bright working labs behind every door. Take my security room for example - as srry pointed out, it's just a bunch of mainframes jumbled in with a load of uncovered wires and a desk thrown in for good measure.
The terrorists have had the base under control for some time, okay, but not enough to have a black-mesa style lab operation.
? This is
our mod. Share with each other please. If you dont have some means of contacting every single member of the team, then get one. If need be communicate via PMs, but DO communicate.
the main .wad is getting updated all the time. You guys need to ask for it, and for textures needed on a regular basis. If you dont think you can make a good enough texture, then ask someone on the team who can.
? For those of you who are making your own textures, please save them in a wad called "hostage-situation(chapternumber).wad" so for example -
hostage-situation5.wad and prefix all your textures with the title "hs_" (e.g.
? Aim to finish by September. That is realistic at this point for everyone except perhaps Kasperg. But that's ok, because he doesn't map to realistic standards anyway. I expect he's probably done double what i've done in 2 years already.
? NAME YOUR MAPS SENSIBLY. in order: prefix-chapter-map (hs5a, hs5b, hs5c, hs6a etc etc etc)
? If you dont think you're going to accomplish your task in this mod, then tell me
now. I, and everyone else who has hope for HS am sick and tired of time waisters. If you're not going to do the job, then fuck off.
? Get used to posting media regularly. I seem to be the only one posting pictures of my maps. Why is this? Get mapping, get compiling, get screenshotting.
? If you have a particular question about how a part of your map should look in accordance with the story, or you've hit a stump in the plot, then please let me know. I'll figure something out.
? Finally, don't put your name, clanname, real name or whatever in the map using env_messages, env_text's or whatever at the start of your map/chapter. This is not an individual map pack (like Issues). So I don't want to see this:
However, only chapter names are allowed, as long as you don't include your name. So in this case "IT SHOULDN'T TAKE MORE THAN A MINUTE" is fine. Or perhaps this:
Chapter #
would even be better.
This is it. We are realistically on the home stretch. Please dont fuck this up.
note: this message was sent to every fixed member of the HS team via PM as well.