can someone please compile this map for me because for some reason. it doesnt work for me. thanks
Created 19 years ago2005-11-05 15:09:10 UTC by
nummarkfaces == MAX_LEAF_FACESThe problem is called the same in both tools. You have to many leafs:
New leafs are created when a face is splitted by vis so it wont render the parts that aren't seen cause they are hidden by a world brush.(regular soild that isn't an entity) Also each texture is in a specifaied size.(16x16 for example) If you use a 16x16 texture on a 512x512 wall(the size doesn't really metter it's just have to be bigger then 16x16) ,without aglaining it, the leafs will be broken to 16x16 leafs. To prevent this scale the texture a bit bigger(using the texture application). This maybe the cause of your error. This image is an example top-down view of a complex room.
The pink area is the room, the blue area are the walls.
The main big room is one leaf, each alcove is a leaf, but the big leaf joins all the little ones for a total of 32 portals.