Specifying game_player_equips? Created 18 years ago2005-11-22 00:10:38 UTC by Maquar Maquar

Created 18 years ago2005-11-22 00:10:38 UTC by Maquar Maquar

Posted 18 years ago2005-11-22 00:10:38 UTC Post #148298
Whats up all,

I'd really like to learn how to do this. I haven't had any luck at all yet. This is for CS 1.6 (condition zero to be precise) I made an mp5 map and put mp5's on the ground. This works fine and all but I'd really like to know how to make the players spawn with the weapons I specify in 2 game_player_equips. The reason I have 2 is because I want each team to have their normal pistols (USP and glock). Using only one game_player_equip obviously gives both teams a USP "and" a glock. So how do I trigger the game_player_equips and make it so the weapons are only given at the round start. This way the CT's don't run to the T spawn and all of a sudden get a glock as well. Can someone please type out what I need to do "using names as examples for targets..etc" so that i can finally get this working? Below is what I have so far.

1 game_player_equip (unnamed)(that I want to be for the terrorists)
Give mp5: Yes
Give Knife: Yes
Give glock: Yes

1 game_player_equip (unnamed)(that I want to be for the CT's)
Give mp5: Yes
Give knife: Yes
Give USP: Yes

So somehow the game_player_equips need to point to the proper team so that at the start of each round the players get what is stated in the game_player_equips according to what team they are on. I just have no idea how to do this. I have read up on the team_master etc and have tested many things but I haven't had any luck yet.

Posted 18 years ago2005-11-22 04:27:38 UTC Post #148306
Hm. Seems that it'd be a good idea to have a time restriction? Give the trigger_multiple you're using at the spawns, to target the player_equips, a master. Disable the master after x seconds. Have a look at the tutorials and Map Vault for stuff on multisources, which are oft used as masters.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-23 02:39:06 UTC Post #148517
uhm dont counter terrorist already spawn with a knife and a pistol? and the same for terrorists? wont it work if you just set the game_player_equips to when the player spawns, then theyed all have what they need? (make only one equip which only gives an MP5, triggered by a multimanager when the player spawns)
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-23 07:56:26 UTC Post #148544
Game entities can only be triggered by a player.(by pressing a button/trigger) This means they need to know which player activated them. (if they have a "all players" flag then tick it and it will work on all the players, you wont have to make the player activate a trigger/button)

I think that spawn points can activate game entities too, but I'm not sure. I know that the info_player_deathmatch can trigger stuff. ;)
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-23 08:23:24 UTC Post #148548
Place 2 game_player_equip entities and name them both game_playerspawn. What will happend is that when a player spawns, the game_player_equip is triggered, give the weapon to the team.

You can also use these entity names:

game_playerdie = When a player dies, all entities with this name will be triggered.

game_playerkill = When a player gets killed, or kills another player, all entities with this name will be triggered (not sure)

game_playerjoin When a player joins the server, all entities with this name will be triggered

game_playerspawn = When a player spawns, or respawns, all entities with this name will be triggered

game_playerleave = When a leaves the server, all entities with this name will be triggered
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-23 12:12:17 UTC Post #148596
Thats awsome muzzleflash I never understood that bit. Always searched for these entities in the guide. :lol:
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