Ok, Ok... So the Matrix Source was a big failure, but i took into account EVERYTHING you guys said, and i came up with a fresh idea.
"Unforseen Consequences" Follows a middle-aged citizen through the hustle and bustle of every day life in a combine-ruled environment and how different it is from what we're used to. Tell me what you think.
Also, I can't let habboi take all the glory with Tom The Headcrab
The map was made by me. It's called 'Locked Up' and after some major improvements, i'll probably release it. It was originally planned as a team-made map by me and habboi, but then Habboi got tangled up in Gang-Life and is too busy. Stay tuned for issue 2 (no really, i mean it this time. I've already taken the shots. It's just a matter of editing)