Created 19 years ago2005-12-13 11:56:36 UTC by
Elon Yariv
now imagine how terrifying it would be having that chasing you through the water in actual gameplay, I found them to be the scariest part of Half-Life.They still scare me to this day
remember in OPP4, you get that gun that shoots the green spores. They were barnacle spores and stick to those sticky things. when they hatch, a barnacle is born.. you hear a scientist's recorded message about it just before you get the barnacle as a weaponI don't rember the message saying anything about that, it was something about getting the unattached banical, not about the spores. But i still hate em all the same, I was playing sven coop the other day going thruogh some pipes happly when theres an opening and there barnicals, I waited for someone to come and kill em. Thats how much i hate them.
Gonomes (weren't they?) too.Mutants, gonomes would be classifyed as mutants with zombies i think.
Play opposing force. Anything in-human and non-xen is probably Race X.
green slug weaponsThose were baby shocktroopers(the big blue guys with the shock rifles), ever wondered why they also throw these spores.
I still don't understand this "Alien race X" shit,, where did they come from, any way?They are another race from Xen. They came through the second experiment's portal.
They are another race from Xen. They came through the second experiment's portal.I thought they came from an other planet.. :S
The ichty is in other places too for example they are in the water if you go to far offshore...no. they're not.. its little leech things that kill you..