Hey, i was wondering if i could get some advice from all of you leet mappers. Some things im worried about: The elevator on the T side sometimes gets stuck in middle after a few rounds and wont stop making noise everyround after that. Also, the r_speeds are a little high when you are in the fan elevator looking all the way across the map. I know that i used a hollow skybox and carving but by the time i relized that this was bad it was too late. Besides that i think that its coming along very well for my first.
Lift: Not sure. Maybe make it very slightly smaller? This might be a bug in CS as it happens with the big doors in cs_office sometimes.
r_speeds: Make it smaller, or put world brushes (not entity brushes) in the way to block visibility. If you're really adventurous, read the r_speeds tutorial, under "Advanced"
Looks a pretty decent first map, but I must caution you that first maps may be taken down in writing and used in evidence against you. You may think it's amazing. That's great - but a lot of other people'll criticise it a lot. Make lots of maps, mess around, practise a lot and THEN make a masterpiece that'll get you worshipped.
yes. textures need aligning and by world brushes. he means that you should simply block the view from the high r_speed area. make less of the map visible with some carefully placed decoration.
nice looking for a first map. how are you intending to use the nades? continuos spawning? or just a set amount of nades?