i dont know what i did wrong..im a n00b 2 map making. heres what it says but i cant seem to fix it:
10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...Malformed face (994) normal @
(356.00, 180.00, 56.00)
(356.00, 180.00, 55.00)
(356.00, 38.00, 55.00)
(356.00, 38.00, 56.00)
Error: Malformed face normal
Description: The texture alignment of a visible face is unusable
Howto Fix: If using Worldcraft, do a check for problems and fix any occurences of 'Texture axis perpindicular to face'
when i check for problems it says this though:
Solid Entity (func wall) is empty: This solid-entity contains no solids. Fixing the error deletes the entity.
I click fix but when I go there again its still there. Can someone help?
Also by the way can someone tell me the best way to make large amounts of func_water?
1. the compiling error: goto the grid coordinates 356, 180, 56 then delete and carefully remake the brush thats there. do the same thing for the other set of coordinates unless its the same brush.
2. Solid Entity (func wall) is empty:
check map for problems, goto error, close map problems window, rt click grid, delete.
look here for all compiling problems: https://www.slackiller.com/tommy14/errors.htm