
Counter-Strike CS
Jungle? by Jorn
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-11 15:16:12 UTC • Unfinished • Counter-Strike
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Jorn Jorn
19 years ago2004-10-11 15:16:12 UTC
19 years ago2004-10-11 19:13:42 UTC

my very first map
im not lazy i just dind know how to add :P


Commented 19 years ago2004-10-12 05:20:23 UTC Comment #4416
Thanks for putting the effort into naming and describing...

Thou shalt not postesth thy first map!!!

hits you over the head with the book of unwritten rules

Jorn, you'll get a lot of stick from other members for posting this. I KNOW there are probably(definately) crappier things in the map vaults, but I doubt anyone will actually think it worthwhile dling this even for a quick look-see. But Judging from the screenie, that's skyboxed (the sky tutorial really needs to be clearer on NOT doing that). Putting your map into a large skybox causes trouble. I cant really see but is that water leading up to those steps?! What the hell, who has that? Textures are just thrown up, and (though it may be unfair to say this since I havent played it, but I'll go on a hunch) the layout is just a random clutter of boxes etc.

While everybody has made a map like this before, noone ever wants to download this kind of stuff; the only entertainment people can get from it is by mocking it and flaming you.

Read the tutorials, look at other peoples work, and try out

THEN, when you make a map you really think that people would enjoy or find interesting post it up here.

You should probably go back to the drawing board with this one and take it down, you're in no hurry to put a map up in the vaults, plenty of people have none up (myself included).
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-12 06:38:36 UTC Comment #4423
well i agree with you ont the first rule but

"But Judging from the screenie"
is also something you shouldnt do

if you had dowlnoaded it you could see the water is a concrete path that leads to the backyard, where there is a waterfall, and a elevator furtherback,...i know thats nothin spectecualair but it is a better than a plain blocky entityless lvel
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-12 06:39:43 UTC Comment #4424
the waterfall isnt tweakt right yet,...a bit to fast and transparent
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-12 06:44:10 UTC Comment #4425
"But Judging from the screenie" I had actually meant to put that in inverted commands, hence the caps, its another bad practice i know, but noone will download this in its current form. :)
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-12 06:53:21 UTC Comment #4426
oke ill change some things,...and i did know not to make a skybox but i havnt determined how big my floor brush will be so i cloudnt make something smaller
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-12 07:27:55 UTC Comment #4427
making sky goes liek this: build walls of sky that surround and connect exactly to teh edges of your map. get them all teh same level high, then put a roof over it, and yeahm i fell off into teh void too =)

just keep playing, what sort of things do you think you need comments on? so far, i;d suggest trying to make cliffs in taht rmf i showed you, and to have a go at 'copying' some of teh mapping from cs maps like airstrip. To see how tehy faked a jungle.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-15 04:34:31 UTC Comment #4516
Your... first... map??... wow... speechless

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