Star Wars (map a movie)

Half-Life HL
Star Wars (map a movie) by Jobabob
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-29 21:14:18 UTC • Completed • Half-Life
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Star Wars (map a movie)
Jobabob Jobabob
21 years ago2003-10-29 21:14:18 UTC
21 years ago2003-12-14 04:12:27 UTC
5.00 (3)
full star full star full star full star full star Download (4.11mb)

My entry for the 'map a movie' contest, a Star Wars inspired map. This one's simply a fly-by, theres no interaction, unless you count being able to look around while the scenes are playing out.

To play this, i'd recommend at LEAST a 1.4ghz machine. 1024x768 MINIMUM on OpenGL, d3d untested, software v. unlikely.

Don't try saving/restoring, or pausing the game in such a way as to desync the music. It's designed to follow the events on screen.

Only one bug remains, you'll have to manually change the map when the first one ends.

Anyway, its all in the readme. Enjoy!


Commented 21 years ago2003-10-30 07:01:04 UTC Comment #367
Yes very nice i like it alot.Some good ideas in there !
Commented 21 years ago2003-10-30 18:16:00 UTC Comment #376
Sorry to all those who downloaded it already, you'll have to redownload as I put the wrong version of the texture file starwars.wad in! I think i'm heading for an early bin in the compo with the number of errors in this bloody map .. :(
Commented 21 years ago2003-10-31 05:00:43 UTC Comment #386
Hey, I had tons of errors in GoldenEye. I fixed a lot of them, but many I simply didn't have time to fix, like the floating coffee and the cam cutting out for a couple of seconds at one point.
Commented 21 years ago2003-11-02 05:57:08 UTC Comment #392
Very nice me like alot :D
Commented 21 years ago2003-11-02 06:27:52 UTC Comment #393
27 downloads, 2 ratings. Thats gotta be some record.
Commented 21 years ago2003-11-02 11:27:15 UTC Comment #394
Nice work, very good, worth a fivestar
Commented 21 years ago2003-11-04 04:31:04 UTC Comment #396
OK, I've just managed to cram in 20 minutes to download this. I will look at it tonight, it sounds great!
Commented 21 years ago2003-11-04 07:22:44 UTC Comment #397
lol, why do people put in comments that they are GOING to try it, rather than when they do :P
Commented 21 years ago2003-11-04 11:56:36 UTC Comment #398
Well I tried it and think that it is absolutely brilliant. Shame about the level transition, but that's life.
Well done.
Commented 21 years ago2003-11-04 13:42:47 UTC Comment #401
I had a quick glimpse of it this morning: BLOODY AMAZING!!! I reckon you'll win this comp, job! Good luck! I'll rate it when I finish it.
Commented 21 years ago2003-11-04 15:50:45 UTC Comment #402
Not bad at all...although it got a bit dull in the 2nd map. However, those explosions were nicely timed. I still think you can win this, if not just for the 1st map. Great job. The music doesn't seem quite right in the 2nd map till later on though. Still, NVM. 4/5. (I would give 4.5, but I can't)
Commented 21 years ago2003-11-17 20:09:09 UTC Comment #443
If this doesn't win it will be an injustice.....only probs were the gaps in between and perhaps you could of had a closer view in the 2nd one..... + it would of been cool ending with a ship flying at you and destrying you :D
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-14 19:06:45 UTC Comment #11224
am I the only person who didnt like this? I think the author needs to get a life
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-15 09:16:23 UTC Comment #11230
Yeah, what a hunk of shit.

Seriously though, since I haven't commented, I might as well do so now: extremly well done and executed map which really does capture the essence of Star Wars. I felt the action was a little too far away in the second map, but it was still quite good. A well deserved five stars.
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-15 09:30:53 UTC Comment #11231
when you mess with perspective that much to achieve that kind of scale its hard to do much more than I did, I prefer the first part myself too despite spending so much longer on the second.

For reference the tie fighter you start in is bigger than the frigates that appear and takes up a good portion of the size of the super star destroyer!
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-16 09:07:09 UTC Comment #11264
Yeah, I noticed that after I noclipped out to have a look around (amazing that I still remember all this, it was over 2 years ago that I had a look).
Commented 18 years ago2006-04-25 16:35:38 UTC Comment #11584
Gonna try this one oout later... Rating removed
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-15 19:16:54 UTC Comment #12254
Rednik, why would you rate it if you didnt try it yet?
Commented 18 years ago2006-12-12 21:21:59 UTC Comment #13677
That was......incredible.

I assume the map ends when the player's view turns white right?
Commented 7 years ago2017-12-10 05:11:46 UTC Comment #21123
Pretty damn good work for Goldsource. The action was a little dry, and in general the speed of everything is glacial... but it's still technically impressive. (If this was done in pretty much any other engine, it would not be.)

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