An unfinished map for the start if my mod. The boat in the map has an invisible ladder on the side, as i cannot get it to appear. The chopper in the map is a prefab from, and therefore is not mine. Also i don't know if i got all the stuff i need in the ZIP file. Enjoy!
(oh and ty to 'paveway' at for the 'vehicle transport osprey')
You shouldnt even consider making a mod unless you can AT LEAST make a ladder..
I am sorry if i sound mean but seriously, save this gem till later. Start on small prjects
Take my secondchance mod map pack. I was all excited when I made it but I now realise what a piece of shit it is!
word @ hunter and habboi
evil laugh
There are many func_ladder tutorials if you google and on this site.
Neat Idea!
+1000 pts