Fight Yard - 3 Buildings

Counter-Strike CS
Fight Yard - 3 Buildings by Soup Miner
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-06 19:31:53 UTC • Completed • Counter-Strike
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Fight Yard - 3 Buildings
Soup Miner Soup Miner
19 years ago2005-09-06 19:31:53 UTC
19 years ago2005-09-06 19:31:53 UTC
4.50 (2)
full star full star full star full star half star Download (761.44kb)

fy_3buildings, a medium sized map made when I was bored. And I was REALLY bored. I know hat the r_speeds are pretty high but quite frankly that doesn't matter to me, sorry. if you don't have a computer thats good enough to play this map skip it, if you do, go ahead and check it out. the gameplay is decent.
New Textures - Yes
New Sky - Yes
Another city themed map?! - You betcha :)


Commented 19 years ago2005-09-06 19:41:53 UTC Comment #8911
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-07 00:51:21 UTC Comment #8915
Will download when ill get back from school.. :)
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-07 08:53:01 UTC Comment #8917
Is this for CS?
Looks like you really have customised CS a lot,, never saw you at pimp my game! O.o

Map looks cool, I'll download it later on. :)
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-07 16:20:25 UTC Comment #8928
r_speeds max at about 1600, + pretty high epoly. If its the rain that gets you, type cl_weather 0 in the console but most liely the high wpoly is what will get a low end computer.
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-08 12:01:42 UTC Comment #8932
My review:
+ Texturing. It was ok, although the textures on the building near the T spawn were way too small...
+ Layout. Ok for a fy_ map.
+ Idea. If you would work more on this - you'd have a pretty cool map.
+/- Architecture. Nothin special, really. The trucks were ok. Just that I didn't like the streets... They're all surrounded by a brick wall, with no exit. That sucks.
+/- Gameplay. It would be a lil boring.
+/- Ambient sounds. Could use some atmosphere sounds (wind, etc.)
- Lighting. Dull and boring.
Well in total - I liked the map. The r_speeds weren't SO big. ~1100 wpoly was the biggest number I saw. I'd say - turn this map into something bigger! Work with the layout, use hint brushes and null textures if necessary to decrease r_speeds and you'll have yourself a great map! :)
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-25 07:46:59 UTC Comment #9154
great map for a first submit. the only thing I'd ask for is more ambience sounds. other than dat, top notch!!
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-25 17:52:03 UTC Comment #9161
First submission?
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-26 17:40:43 UTC Comment #9189
Very nice job!

+Semi trucks! Did you make them yourself? Anyway nice!
++Of course the rain/fog effects are tops. Very well done when many mappers botch these both. It actually looks like the rainwater is drifting towards the t spawn!
+Great ambients--rainwater, trucks
+Architecture and texturing are nice. your getting good at these urban thingies :)
+bulletproof busstops!

-spawn points are a bit dark
-maybe add some streetlamps or other detail itmes
-sky is pants, but this IS an FY map I guess...

Would you consider making a tutorial out of the rain/fog effects, or release the .rmf? Combined with the ambients, I actually fell like I'm out in the rain!

Great Job!
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-26 17:43:28 UTC Comment #9190
Just played it again, the sky is actually pretty nice, and the fog/water seems to run toward the CT spawn I guess...
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-26 18:41:03 UTC Comment #9195
I didn't make the trucks I got them off a prefab site, but I mapped eveything else by myself. Doesnt say much outside of the bus station thought. Still...

Rain effect is just the env_rain entity, no tutorial needed. Combine it with ambience/rain and it makes any atmosphere sound and look great.

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