Before you bash me for making an aim map, check out this map. This is an aim map with shotguns and smoke grenades. You start out with pumps, but there is an auto in the middle. You can only use the auto for that round, it gets taken away from you the next round. One texture, but whatever.
and finally an aim map thats actually a map and not a box with a floor.
+I like how i could run any where i wanted to, like around the edge of the map by jumping from the top to the outer wall.
+Neat concept and the light in the center is a rather nice touch.
+Unique amongst the 'Castle Builders' here at TWHL. We're a dying breed.
-Texturing, blek. Too many stretched out textures. Select them and align them to 'world'
-Could Use a better variety of textures.
4.5 stars, but i'll have to leave it at 4. Very awsome.
Arches and towers looked superb. The only structures I didn't understand were the half cylinders at the corners...
R_speeds were suprisingly "ok" condsidering the highly detailed arches everywhrer! Great work!
The texturing is fine, except in the areas Rim mentioned. Sometimes when your texturing in hammer, for absolutely no reason, hammer will stretch the texture to insane sizes after you've applied it.
Simply left click on the last "good" or unstretched texture, then hold down the ALT key while right clicking to fix those nasty stretches.
Besides the texturing glitch, really superb work all-around!
Looking forward to more stuff from you!