
Counter-Strike: Source CSS
aim_ag_texture_towers by LukeakaDanish
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-23 12:30:05 UTC • Completed • Counter-Strike: Source
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LukeakaDanish LukeakaDanish
Counter-Strike: Source
18 years ago2006-04-23 12:30:05 UTC
18 years ago2006-04-23 12:30:05 UTC
2.00 (1)
full star full star empty star empty star empty star Download

A symetrical ag_texture map which incorporates two round sniper towers and numerous other cool looking objects...Please comment on the map if you wish, however dont comment on the texture use please...when I feel like doing a propperly textured map, I will...

If you intend to try this map on your server, please notify me and I will be there playing it with you!

- Luke


Commented 18 years ago2006-04-23 18:03:21 UTC Comment #11564
You used Valve's example textures for maps for your map? Its brushwork looks worse than HL1. Too blocky, and plain.

I wont rate it because I didnt play it. I suggest not releasing maps like these. Use real textures, and take some time with it. Anyone here could make that in less than a half-hour....
Commented 18 years ago2006-04-23 18:15:26 UTC Comment #11565
If you click "find servers" in CS:S and search for aim_ag_texture, you will find that at any time there are AT LEAST 20 servers playing these maps...obviously some people either think it looks good or dont care exactly what the map looks like, just that it plays well.

Brushwork...same story...and "anyone here could make that in less than a half-hour" isnt constructive critique so why did you even bother writing it...:S...

I dont mind my skills or anything else being critisized but for crying out the damn map with a couple of friggn bots before you post a comment...
Commented 18 years ago2006-04-23 18:56:14 UTC Comment #11566
Just played it....

Maps arnt judged by gameplay alone. Looks like a crap ripoff from Halo's wizard.....

People in CSS are dumb anyway. They play any new map thats online no matter what it looks like. You throw anything in a server and people will join it....

I wont rate because it might be your first map. If it is, your mistakes are excuseable, but its nowhere near good.

Its a bad map, not well made, and not innovative.
Commented 18 years ago2006-04-23 19:34:35 UTC Comment #11567
"I wont rate it"...well you did...:S

"People in CSS are dumb anyway"...thats one helluva generalisation - possibly there are more noobs than in CS1.6, but that doesnt make them dumb - infact, if you play source im pretty certain it would often be for the appearance of the maps not for the gameplay which isnt as good as 1.6 (imo) - this should mean nobody for aim, fy or surf maps...and im sorry...but people play them...quite allot...

However - regardless of how harsh i myself feel your critisism is i do take it seriously - i guess i'm not made for mapping with the "clever and 1337" people on twhl...thankfully loads of other mapping pages feature mappers who arent purists in the "noble art" of mapping

Commented 18 years ago2006-04-23 20:32:19 UTC Comment #11568
Dont mean to be too harsh, just pointing out the problems. It actually wouldnt look half-bad if you textured it. Sorry for Rating the 1. Meant for a 2.

I see that it did have some original points, and with more mapping you can become much better.

Hope I didnt turn you off to mapping :(
Commented 18 years ago2006-04-24 00:35:28 UTC Comment #11570
"there are more noobs than in CS1.6"
most moved to source probably.

Xyos, did you make him leave or something?

TWHL doesn't mind the fy_stuff and the aim_that.
We get alot of it, while a map like de_alienspacestationcombinechaos_hdr is well deserving of good rating and attention.
Commented 18 years ago2006-04-24 05:31:44 UTC Comment #11571
It doesn't look that bad, and I bet the layout is fun. I reminds me of Mario Kart for Gamecube. You could invest more time and make a playground map.
And about the textures... when you feel like doing a properly textured map, more people will feel it's worth the download.
Commented 18 years ago2006-04-24 11:07:01 UTC Comment #11573
Ahaha. Xyos scared him off.

And although anybody here probably COULD make this in less than half-an-hour, it isnt actually that bad a map..
Commented 18 years ago2006-04-24 12:24:15 UTC Comment #11574
(insert sad emoticon here)

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