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Half-Life: Deathmatch HLDM
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Posted 18 years ago2006-10-19 17:29:00 UTC • Completed • Half-Life: Deathmatch
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Kampy Kampy
Half-Life: Deathmatch
18 years ago2006-10-19 17:29:00 UTC
18 years ago2006-10-20 04:17:08 UTC
4.00 (2)
full star full star full star full star empty star Download (97.57kb)

This is a very small map with a secret of mana theme (for those who dont know: this is an old, great roleplaygame for super nintendo). The textures are taken from screenshots of the game. The fun about the look is that the textures are made for a 2d game, but they are transferred on 3d objects. Thats why the sky is just a blue brush which some guys criticised. I remember I actually wanted to add some 2d clouds that were moving in a mechanical way, but I forgot about it.
The map itself consists of a house with two rooms and a garden. You can access the house through the front door or a side door on the second floor. The two rooms are connected through stairs and a hole in the floor of the upper room. The map plays very hecticly, because of its small size.
Due to the size of the map there are no heavy weapons in it. Most of the time you use the crossbow, shotgun or the machine gun. There are useful items placed on crates which you can only jump on with the longjump. To get the longjump you need to do some difficult jumps which take more time than you usually have in this map.
All in all I think the map is lots of fun and if you like tiny hectic maps and/or Secret of Mana then you should check this map out.

main points of the map:
  • secret of mana theme and textures
  • consists of a house with 2 rooms and a garden.
  • 2-4 players recommended
  • hectic gameplay, tiny map size
  • no heavy weapons, mostly Type-3 weapon used
  • to get the LongJump you have to jump on the small window-sill, then from there jump over to the crates in the middle of the upper-floor room and after that jump on the crate where you can see the LongJump.
  • with the LongJump you can get a healthkit, a battery and snarks which are placed on the crates in the upper-floor room.
  • there are grenades for the machine gun. They are placed on the top of a tree. To get it climb the fence and walk to the tree on which you can see the AR grenades lying.
  • in the garden there is a big flower. you can hide in it and for example use the crossbow to attack players passing by. you will also find a tripmine in it.


Commented 18 years ago2006-10-19 17:48:12 UTC Comment #13215
Heh funny cause there's a compo on Interlopers where you have to recreate a level from an existing game.

Looks rather good, the custom textures do the job and it actually inspires me to make my map idea someday.
Commented 18 years ago2006-10-19 18:39:10 UTC Comment #13216
Wow, quite a big description for a small map! ;)

I rather liked it, since I have played this game and mainly its sequel, "Seiken Densetsu 3"
I think you did a pretty good job making the texture set, and the animating textures were a great retro touch :)

Things I would change:

-Add a fire sound next to the fireplaces!

-Make the trees a separate masked texture, and turn the sky into func_illusionary entities with a minimum light level of 5 for example. That way, it will give the illusion of being a sky instead of a box. Check my map tp_sacrifice to see what I mean.

-I would try to work on a bigger piece of scenario and participate in the competition Habboi has mentioned. Maybe one of the castles or something like that.
Commented 18 years ago2006-10-20 01:50:19 UTC Comment #13218
Hey pretty cool map!
+ TONS of custom textures!
+ Animated textures!
+ Good recreation!!

-The invisable ledge where where the SMG grenades are gets in the way when you are walking around the level. Why aren't they just on the side?

That's about it. Small map, small review. I love the look of this map and it looks quite fun. Small maps are always hectic. All in all 3.5 stars rounded to 4.
Commented 18 years ago2006-10-20 07:15:48 UTC Comment #13220
It's alright, the map is a bit TO small, even with 2 people I predict lots of spawn killing.. the textures are on purpose, mmm kay, original I guess.

I kinda agree with Kasperg other than that..

I won't rate, because I never played that game, but if I had to, i'd go with a 2,5..
Commented 18 years ago2006-10-20 14:09:14 UTC Comment #13222
I agree that it is maybe too small, but what little of it there is, is very nicely made.
You have talent. Put it to use on a nice big map =D

Definately worth 4.
Commented 18 years ago2006-10-28 21:35:08 UTC Comment #13366
Very funny!

The textures look great, and you used them well.

Make a real-sized dm out of this and people will kiss you with 5 stars ;)

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