Room of Doom

Half-Life: Deathmatch HLDM
Room of Doom by Kampy
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-26 04:44:26 UTC • Completed • Half-Life: Deathmatch
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Room of Doom
Kampy Kampy
Half-Life: Deathmatch
18 years ago2006-10-26 04:44:26 UTC
18 years ago2006-10-26 04:44:26 UTC
3.25 (4)
full star full star full star half star empty star Download (360.24kb)

This is an arena type map with a quake or doom look. It was a map of the "Operation A.M.O.K." mod which was canceled some long time ago. I took the 85% ready map and completed it for Half-Life Deathmatch now. The architecture of the map is very complicated. The whole map is round and doesnt have a straight floor which was very hard to build with the HL engine. The R_speeds are a little high because of that ( 900). The gameplay is typical arena gameplay, you start grab a weapon and shoot into the middle of the arena. There's another funny feature of the map: at one side of the arena there's a wooden cross which you can turn around by using it. This causes a great explosion which kills everybody on the whole map. The only way to survive this explosion is to step into one of the teleporters and beam on the top of the arena. Then you have to crouch in the middle of it so you wont be caught by the explosion. Basically Room_of_Doom is one big cylinder room with 2 floors and a small position at the top of it. To get into the second floor you have to go through a small corridor where you can find some goodies. The teleporters are on the second floor. Both teleport you into the main teleporter room where you can choose if you want to go on the top of the arena or in the middle of it at the bottom. The itemplacement is like this: there are machine guns and shotguns next to each other placed at the starting points inside the arena hall. In the middle at the bottom there is the crossbow and in the corridor you find Colts, health, a battery and the longjump. Find ammunition in the teleporter room and the bazooka at the top of the arena. All weapons are regulary used in room_of_doom. Its a good choice to hide at the first floor with the crossbow, but if you do you are likely to die when someone turns the cross. All in all a cool arena map with lots of different weapons used and great for arena deathmatch or adrenaline gamers.

main points of the map:
  • Arena map with quake/doom look
  • big cylinder with 2 floors, one corridor, teleporter room, top of arena place
  • 2-8 players recommended
  • middle size for an arena, hectic gameplay
  • type 2 and 3 and 5 weapons are used + the bazooka
  • turn the cross to make the map explode (like in crossfire)
  • survive the explosion by crouching in the middle of the top of the arena
  • if you dont want to be hurt when you jump down, jump into the river of blood
  • find the bazooka and machine gun grenades on the top of the arena
  • camping with the crossbow on the first floor is effective, but if someone activates the explosion you have little chance to survive.


Commented 18 years ago2006-10-26 07:09:17 UTC Comment #13342
Meh, nice architecture, but that's about it.
Can't judge about gameplay, this is one of those maps you really do need to play with other people to judge..

The texturing is HORRIBLE, I figured you got the textures straight from quake as I looked at the lava, that lava was ugly and it didn't hurt you, even in the most unrealistic games lava hurts you..

Also didn't liked the lightning, dunno, it was so bland.

3 stars.
Commented 18 years ago2006-10-26 18:19:01 UTC Comment #13346
Like FresheD said, very nice architecture.

Texturing wasn't that bad, although I agree the lava did look really ugly. I'm pretty sure there's a good lava text over at the Wadfather somewhere. Also, try adding a trigger_hurt with a low damage per second rate, maybe 5 or so.

Lighting was the worst part. In the big circular area, the light_env looked really bad. Why not go for some redish lights under the walkway, or something along those lines?

Overall, not a bad map, that could be much better with some minor improvements. 3.5.
Commented 18 years ago2006-10-26 19:55:05 UTC Comment #13347
its not lava its a (quoting myself) "river of blood"
actually it should have been a river of guts ~lol~
yeah my self drawn textures could have been better
and I sure was lazy with that lighting xD
Commented 18 years ago2006-10-27 06:20:13 UTC Comment #13350
Blood? That was blood? :|
Commented 18 years ago2006-10-29 09:02:23 UTC Comment #13371
I just liked the architecture 3 stars for that.
Commented 18 years ago2006-11-04 20:56:16 UTC Comment #13427
I realize the theme you were going for, but some of your nice architectue would look so much better with better choice/placement/creation of textures.

Superb architectue just goes unoticed with this engine if it's not textured right, and I suppose you could argue texturing is more important for looks than archiutecture for HL1.

Your r_speeds are very playable, which is nice for a big wide-open map like this.

The lava just looks horrible, I don't care what you were trying to achieve witht the theme--it's just stupid imo.

Doodads like the teleports and the "kill-all" switch are always a plus, as well the trademark "B Y K A M P Y" on the map which always makes me lol :P
Commented 18 years ago2006-11-21 17:18:05 UTC Comment #13511
Three stars for an awesome theme!

Good things.
-Nice mood
-Nice idea with the cross!

Bad things:
-No real architecture
-Bad texturing
-Semi bad weapon placement
-Boring lights
-the map is both too big and too smal. There are few places to go but it takes to long to get there if you know what I mean.
-Make somthing good with the blood will ya?

Otherwise it's nice.

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