Flat-Life IP - Operation Iceflow

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Flat-Life IP - Operation Iceflow by hlife_hotdog
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-27 01:36:12 UTC • Completed • Not Listed (Goldsource)
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Flat-Life IP - Operation Iceflow
hlife_hotdog hlife_hotdog
Not Listed (Goldsource)
16 years ago2008-02-27 01:36:12 UTC
16 years ago2008-02-27 01:39:04 UTC
4.50 (2)
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Insertion Point - A Flat-Life Series by hlife_hotdog

The story...

It's been 8 years after the incident at Black Mesa. 8 years of war, of chaos, of suffering. After a nuclear bomb destroyed Black Mesa the aliens spread out. We only know they hunt us down every day, wether their goal is just to feed on us or something more sinister is yet to be known. Every day the war goes on. We don't know how many of them there are but for each one we kill, two more appear. Countless numbers of people have fallen victim to the creatures known as headcrabs. There are now millions of these lost souls, wandering, their moaning heard everywhere you go. But we fight on! The military finally became an organised faction, well, I suppose we should now call them rebels but we hold ranks. It's the only way to maintain order among the fear and hopelessness of our cause. Tens of thousands of troops centralised into a remote military base a few hundred miles north-east of Colorado. From here we can focus our attacks, reach out and scavenge what we can from the cities all while fighting off hoards of alien scum. One day we will find a way to destroy them, one day we will victorious, one day we will be free...
Operation: Ice Flow

Chapter 1 - Drop Point Alpha

Satellites have picked up a high concentration of teleportation residue around a remote facility in the north-west of Russia. We don't know what's in the facility but there must be something of interest there for such a large number of aliens to converge on that one location. We need to find out what is in there, if it is a threat to us, destroy it, otherwise collect what you can and return to base. We will drop you just outside the facility, you can enter through a stormwater drain on the east side. Good luck soldier.

Chapter 2 - Coming Soon...
It's been a long time coming but I finally got my ass into it and finished it off. Chapter 1 is not as good as I want it to be but Hammer keeps crashing every time I try to do anything! Delete, copy, add even close the map and it crashed so I gave up. The downside is that it is a bit too quiet in most places but it's okay. Chapter 2 I hope will be more promising as I delve deeper into the story. This will probably be my permanent Flat-Life series so I hope you enjoy as there are many more chapters to this story to come...

Enjoy, Hotdog


Commented 16 years ago2008-02-27 16:51:32 UTC Comment #16467
Very nice map. why are the faces of the walls/cliffs facing u all black? when you go trough doors it all goes black and that sux. also at one place the map went all black for some reason. had to walk further to get light. except for that and some monsters that werent properly aligned (i couldnt shoot em) it is very very nice. 3.8 stars
Commented 16 years ago2008-02-28 02:01:06 UTC Comment #16468
The black is deliberate. So you cannot see what is ahead, like you would if it wasn't 2D. The bullsquid was also deliberate so that you had some difficulty through the waterworks as a bullsquid shoots at you. Note that the shotgun is very bad for shooting thin enemies (turrets) and small ones (headcrabs)
Commented 16 years ago2008-02-28 04:47:46 UTC Comment #16470
i wasnt talking about the bullsquid i was talking about the headcrabs and turrets :)

and im not talking about the black which wont let u see ahead, im talking about the black on the cliff faces......
Commented 16 years ago2008-03-03 06:13:53 UTC Comment #16484
Very nice map. Really good looking, with a lot of attention to background detail! Challenging gameplay aswell. Lacks ambient sounds though. Some machine sounds in the first rooms and a storm sound on the bridge, perhaps? Other then that, you seem to have remembered all the little things, such as trigger_autosave's etc.

Found some bugs though, the first few crates on the bridge should be turned to func_wall's, or you won't be able to see the slave when you're at the bottom left side. Also it seems to be easy to get stuck in the first rotating door, and I couldn't shoot the turret either.

Other then that, looking forward to more chapters, good work!
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-27 16:04:51 UTC Comment #17255
You never did finish this... I want to know more about the story!
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-19 17:20:59 UTC Comment #17596
I have not played this game, but from smidges seen in the motm reviews, it looks absolutely gorgeous imo. 5-stars easy for a very well-built, great-looking flat-life level!

(thought it very cool too how you replaced the player model with a grunt)
Commented 15 years ago2009-07-21 20:58:11 UTC Comment #17673
Also, forgot to rate last time

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