
Counter-Strike: Source CSS
fy_neonclub by hlife_hotdog
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-08 21:00:24 UTC • Completed • Counter-Strike: Source
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hlife_hotdog hlife_hotdog
Counter-Strike: Source
16 years ago2008-09-08 21:00:24 UTC
16 years ago2008-09-08 21:01:44 UTC
3.00 (1)
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FY Neon Club

Mission: After months of terrorising the city, a police combat team is being sent to infiltrate and eliminate the infamous 'Neon Club'. They have been tracked to an industrial area on the south side of the city and the Team has been inserted in an open sewerage pit that stands as one of the major entry points into the club's underground lair. The Team must secure the area by eliminating any club members in the area but must be wary of the club's signiture, neon lights are scattered around the entire area and are setup as a constant barrier and provide light to shadowed areas to reduce the ability to hide.

Map: Okay, first up, YES, it is a dreaded fy map, i know how much some people hate them but i took something easy to be my first Counter-Strike Source map, in fact, this is only the third Source map I have ever made! Also, I wanted to use alot of physics data and that I have. It's a really simple map, a ring outer area with a smaller ring inside with four entry points to get in but each way is blocked with a curtain of hanging neon lights. You can push through these but it will slow you down and obviously the swinging lights will give away that someone went through them. They are also good bullet deflectors. There is also a ladder on each compass direction on the outer ring that grants access to the higher level which ONLY looks over the inner ring but the joining catwalks are open to both sides. I designed the map to offer different play areas all contained in one. The outer ring is narrow but has supports, alcoves and alot of pipes providing cover. The inner ring has less cover but the protruding supports allow for excellent hiding places as long as someone doesn't come from behind or sees you from above. The higher level only allows the advantage over the inner ring and the other higher areas as the central structure does not go as high as the rest. The safest area is the outer ring but the downside is that the combat is heavier here. Nav file is included, bots like to use the higher level and the outer ring but very rarely go into the inner ring because they can't navigate through the curtains.

This is just the beginning, if people like the concept then I may make a proper DE or CS version...enjoy!!!

#EDIT# It's not really as dark as the screenshot, for some reason it got darker when it uploded, but it's really quite bright.


Commented 16 years ago2008-09-09 11:50:08 UTC Comment #16808
you really make gewd stories for each map.
Though i dont have source, judging from the screenie
i'll rate it...

Rating removed, play it before rating!
Commented 16 years ago2008-09-09 18:17:30 UTC Comment #16809
You can't just rate maps from screenshots mate.
Commented 16 years ago2008-09-09 21:12:26 UTC Comment #16810
no you can't :( can i remove a rating??
Commented 16 years ago2008-09-11 11:09:35 UTC Comment #16815
Rating removed, 'nuff bullshitting
Commented 16 years ago2008-09-11 21:03:54 UTC Comment #16822
?.? come on!! tell me what you think potatis!!
Commented 2 years ago2022-02-09 23:17:01 UTC Comment #104103
Sorry to keep you waiting. I don't know why my rating got removed back then but I am sure it was for a good reason as teenage me was even more of an idiot than I am now.

Visually it's not your most interesting map (especially as it's so symetrical), and you do usually make maps that are very interesting visually. It plays alright and I like the neon lights that prevent rushing through the middle. It's a bit too dark, IMO dark maps are not very suitable for games like Counter-Strike.

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