
Counter-Strike: Source CSS
de_splinter2 by Archie
Posted 16 years ago2008-10-11 15:54:38 UTC • Completed • Counter-Strike: Source
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Archie Archie
Counter-Strike: Source
16 years ago2008-10-11 15:54:38 UTC
5 years ago2019-06-23 13:08:26 UTC
3.80 (5)
full star full star full star full star empty star Download (Hosted Externally)

June 2019 Update:
A Steam update broke this map years ago. Don't know why, But I've recompiled it and it works again.


The original de_splinter_clan, made for counter-strike 1.6 was my favourite of my own maps for a long time. I was really pleased with how the layout turned out especially. It was however, blocky and ugly as hell.

de_splinter came around for Counter-Strike: Source, but I was lazy and merely used the .rmf from the original map and coverted it to source resulting in that version being hideously ugly as well.

Finally, a complete remake from the ground up, de_splinter2 uses nothing from the original maps. The layout is different and better balanced, the visuals are a lot better and it incorporates several important things rarely seen in custom maps including a proper radar image.

Graffiti art by Daubster is much appreciated, and I hope you enjoy the result of a great deal of effort from both of us.


Commented 16 years ago2008-10-11 16:58:31 UTC Comment #16978
is nais is nais
Commented 16 years ago2008-10-11 19:08:41 UTC Comment #16982
It's a very strange map, I must say.

I'm not one to write reviews, but I sure do like numbers.

3/5 D:
Commented 16 years ago2008-10-12 03:35:24 UTC Comment #16979
come on luke, the hunter deserves alot more than that!

i did find it very strange too tho, its more like a sp map :P
but yeah its cool. 5/5
Commented 16 years ago2008-10-12 10:26:58 UTC Comment #16987
I actually enjoyed it. I'm sure it'd have played alright if the teams were at least somewhat balanced (or if Tuna hadn't joined).

Visuals were alright and even if the outside could've used some improvements - I liked them overall.

A strong 4*. :>
Commented 16 years ago2008-10-12 12:00:20 UTC Comment #16990
You are a cruel man Dauby
Commented 16 years ago2008-10-12 14:24:58 UTC Comment #16991
It's a very strange map, I must say.

What you mean to say is the lighting makes it weird. Hunter's weakness is lighting. I've seen that in all his maps.

It needs more colours. May I suggest spending some time lighting different versions of a room from Splinter, copy and paste a room and mess with the light settings and you'll see!
Commented 16 years ago2008-10-14 00:37:58 UTC Comment #17002
Judging from the screenshot, I'd say ambient light must be set to be brighter for light_environment.
Commented 16 years ago2008-10-14 05:01:57 UTC Comment #17004
although I really was going for a very sharp difference between light and dark in the outside area, it's a lot more emphasised in that screenshot because i fiddled with the levels before uploading to the bright TWHL surroundings. Probably not a good idea.
Commented 16 years ago2008-10-16 06:42:32 UTC Comment #16862
Why'o'why would you call it de_splinter2 when its a complete different map then de_splinter? Doesnt nummbers act like series in this genre? Isnt "2" not a sequell on the orginial? "Angry video game nerd" would go furious on this subject ...
Commented 16 years ago2008-10-16 11:03:34 UTC Comment #16836
look at de_dust and de_dust2.

very different maps.
Commented 16 years ago2008-11-04 14:41:03 UTC Comment #17129
hunter : no. they both look the same
Commented 5 years ago2019-07-18 12:58:33 UTC Comment #102169
I remember this map. It's OK.

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