**extract to addons and double click the .vpk to install****Must be run from console, use the command "map romanbath survival" **This is my entry into Compo 29 (Map Something Historical)
Admitedly has a few small visual issues, and pushed the theme of the compo a bit too much. Besides that it's quite a difficult survival map.(I've managed to get the bronze medal for survival mode)
It's about medium sized, features weapons on both levels and an external street section. Based on a roman bath, with the intention of the survivors holding out inside.
Try it out and see what you think
Crits and comments welcome.
downloading anyway and i'll review it once it get the game..
Here's the Goods, Indifferents, and Bads.
+ Good layout of map and items, well balanced.
+ Nicely made archetecture
+ Good lighting
+ Nice surrounding elements, every believable that building is a historical structure in a city.
/ Fog color and settings
/ Bots never picked up any items or weapons. A Nav area must be on the tables for bots to pick up weapons. Navigation was pretty good through the map, I didn't have too many problems with any of it. With other players this isn't an issue.
/ Some of the new materials had dynamic lighting problems, not really an issue, may be my personal settings.
- I fell over the railing and hung there while the bots couldn't pick me up, found out that there are dodgey nav areas along the upper level's railing.
- No rescue, or I could never wait long enough for one. I thought a helicopter was going to swoop in over the pool and pick up the survivors.
Overall I enjoyed playing it. Makes me want to map even more for L4D2