
Counter-Strike CS
de_dreamer by WeightlessFalls
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-24 22:16:45 UTC • Completed • Counter-Strike
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WeightlessFalls WeightlessFalls
12 years ago2012-06-24 22:16:45 UTC
12 years ago2012-06-24 22:18:11 UTC
Download (4.13mb)

Hello, I'm Naitsirk a.k.a. Cortez Cardinal(GB acc) (in game - Weightless Falls) and this is my best creation to date (by my tastes).
The map doesn't feature anything special, accept that it's based a bit on some of my dreams, so if you see wierd shapes and things that defy reallity, you'll know why. Also there is a custom sky I made for this map and a soundtrack that plays through the whole map.
I made this in 3 weeks time, but I couldn't have done it without extra help from Shash7, and in the earlier version of the map, SickiX helped. I made the map - Shash7 fixed the bugs and errors I made, fixed the fps rates and did the final compile.
The map is a bit dark, so I suggest (if u want to) adjusting ur brightness in cs so that it suits you.
EDIT: I have upped the light levels in the map, so if you still consider it dark, as I said b4 adjust your brightness (I still think it will be unnecessary).
Please rate and comment, I would apreciate it :)
Hope you have fun!


Commented 12 years ago2012-06-26 01:36:13 UTC Comment #11898
This is a really neat map.

"Melancholy Street" has a really neat feel and look to it, but why not add some music to subtle background ambience that's already there? Also here, the subtle texture lighting and subtle changes to the architecture are really neat =)

Some stuff is a little blocky and/or weirdly textured in the map like that spiral staircase, and there are a few visual errors, but no big deal.

Some real nice detail work in here, like the distressing with cracks and broken bits and some very neat effects like the texture-bright signs.

Some brave brushwork in here too like the domes and tho ther are some brushwork/texturing errors they still look pretty cool.

Neat map! this would be a fine addition to the cs server, maybe PM Daubster and ask if he'll put the map up ;)
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-26 11:53:00 UTC Comment #12431
Nice map! Although I had some problems trying it. I was lagging and fps-dropping a whole lot in the map. I checked the console and it was spamming the message "non-sprite set to glow". I quess this could be it.

The map look fantastic for the most but you seem to have used the carve / cut function to make round wholes in some walls. For me this rarely work so I never use it and for you it left some glitchy looking walls with cracks and stuff. This also lowers the performance of the map.

I couldn't stand the lag so I don't think I saw the whole map but what I saw was pretty damn good, I like the mood and atmosphere :).
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-26 22:44:53 UTC Comment #10169
Thx guys :)

I wanted to make the bar (the fabulous '50) have a song play in it, but every time I compiled it the song just didn't start - there are 5 ambient generics for the atmosphere sound and only the center one works, also the sixth AG in the bar doesn't start and I cant figure out why (or maybe it's got to do something with my cs)...
I made a few tracks but I haven't uploaded them yet cause they are not finished, but I'll finish them soon :]

For the carve - This is the first map in witch I used carve and I used it on the windows and the hallways for the buildings in the center. The way I used it is when I carved out all that, I textured it all with null texture and later on I textured only the visible sides and always b4 carving I made a square so that when I carved the cracks would be smallest possible, and also I'm not fond of carve tool, but it spared me a lot of time (still I wont be using it any time soon cause the results aren't as good as I thought they would be).

Now for the FPS - When I finished the map the w_poly count was about 6000 (that ain't good) but later on with a lot of work I managed to get it to 4000 (still not good), and finally Shash7 made a few changes and it is now at 2500 max (better but not perfect).
I have an integrated GC and my fps (in d3d mod bcuz I can't go to openGl) is about 40-50 but I noticed that sometimes the map starts lagging too much and I just reload it and it is fine.

I hope you have fun playing on this map, I really gave it my best and I consider it my best map to date.

Also - The soundtrack's will be uploaded on the Gamebanana (this maps page), and if anyone know's how to fix the ambient generic's not starting, please tell me, I tried everything I know of.

So thx again for your feedback, and Goodl Luck and Have Fun! ^.^
Commented 12 years ago2012-07-03 04:07:40 UTC Comment #20036
Be careful when using multiple ambient_generics to play the same sound. They will quickly go out of sync.
Commented 12 years ago2012-07-09 15:03:15 UTC Comment #20041
DiscoStu says:
Be careful when using multiple ambient_generics to play the same sound. They will quickly go out of sync.

I know that, but I can't figure out why only 1 out of 6 AG works...

One starts and the others stay silent :S

If anyone knows what I'm doing wrong, pls help, I would appreciate it :)
Commented 12 years ago2012-07-09 23:14:46 UTC Comment #20042
It could be that:

1. the sound is not formatted correctly for hl(8-bit mono wavs)
2. logic flaw in how you're trying to trigger and the ambient_generic.
3. path to the wav may be wrong, or entity names that don't match.
4. make sure the sound is set to loop, i.e., has at least one cue point in in.

pm me with a link to the rmf and the wavs, and i'll troubleshoot it if you like.

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