Monolith - Bomb/Defuseby pdemon
Counter-Terrorists: Prevent Terrorists
from bombing the first floor of a building
with important data or bridge between buildings.
Team members must defuse any bombs that
threaten targeted areas.
Terrorists: The Terrorist carrying the
C4 must destroy one of the targets.
>>> Teaser Video <<<>>> Full Screenpack <<<
Aside from a few props being comically large there's really not much else to say about brushwork.
Lighting is perhaps a bit too dark in places which could potentially ware a bit thin over time.
Gameplay-wise, I only tested it alone so I can't be completely sure but it seems way, waaay too linear for counter-strike. There are only really two paths for terrorists to go and that combined with the CT's pre-existing height advantage I expect rounds would be extremely one-sided.
Overall, very cool design and an enjoyable place to explore, but I can't see it becoming a gameplay hit.
Can we possibly have some more in-game stills?(like an imgur album or whatev) Hopefully soon though, TWHL will have the ability to upload more than one screenie
I'll try to actually play it soon as i can! =P
Full screenpack
BTW, consider using bbcode to make your links hyperlinks and format your text, e.g.:
<< Teaser Video >>
Full ScreenPack
Also yes you never used the word "blocky", but you DID say the brushwork is "very simiple", which are basically the same thing =P
First, very impressive/ambitious to build something this big/open in GS, kudos for that!
The reception areas looked AMAZINGLY clean and top-notch, despite the very LARGE scaling in areas Archie already mentioned
Elevator too looked great, but you could easily add train doors to complete the effect. Some texture scales are a little big and some things are very simply built(blocky like they were built in minecraft), but i understand you only have so much to work with in GoldSrc!
All-in-all excellent and fresh work, i love it!